Featured Matches - ISML 2016 Amethyst Period
Amethyst 1 — Monday, August 15, 2016

Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) vs. Shiodome Miuna (Nagi no Asakura)
矢泽妮可(Love Live!) vs. 潮留美海(来自风平浪静的明天)
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“Hello, everyone, I am Yazawa Nico. Today, I will be performing a song for all of you. Please listen, and make sure you choose me, Nico,” said Yazawa Nico to the audience. For the longest time, Nico dedicated herself to train hard to become the “greatest idol in the universe.” Many of her former friends do not understand her passion, but with her new idol group, she can feel more at home. She becomes more considerate towards others as she continues to interact with her new and kind friends. On other side of the arena, while Nico is singing, another cute girl appears: Miuna Shiodome. She also projects her voice, creating an instrument that instantly makes everyone who hears it feel calm like the sea. She is a very shy and often relies on her best friend to do the talking, but she is warm and understanding towards her friends, as she does not want to lose someone precious in her life again. Who will you support? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “Hallo Semua, Yazawa Nico desu. Hari ini saya akan menampilkan sebuah lagu untuk semua, silahkan didengarkan dan pastikan kalian memilihku Nico,” kata Yazawa Nico kepada seluruh pemirsa. Sejak dulu dia telah mengkhususkan diri dan berlatih keras untuk menjadi “idol nomor satu dunia.” Walaupun tidak banyak dari teman-temannya yang mampu bertahan dengannya di masa lalu, namun ia berada di tangan yang tepat sekarang. Bersama µ’s, ia mampu mengubah sifatnya menjadi lebih perhatian kepada orang lain sejak ia juga memiliki banyak teman yang perhatian padanya. Di sisi lain arena, ketika Nico sedang bernyanyi gadis imut lainnya muncul. Dia juga bergumam dengan mulutnya, membuat sebuah instrument yang menenangkan layaknya laut yang tenang. Miuna Shiodome lah gadis itu. Ia sangat pemalu dan bersandar pada temannya Sayu untuk berbicara. Tapi, terlepas dari sifatnya ia adalah gadis yang cantik untuk semua orang. Ia juga perhatian ke teman-temannya karena ia tidak ingin kehilangan orang penting dalam kehidupannya. “大家好,这里是矢泽妮可!今天我将为大家带来一首歌曲,请耐心听完,然后务必支持我哦,niconiconi!”矢泽妮可对全体观众如此说道。很久之前妮可就倾尽全力想要成为“宇宙第一偶像”,奈何那时的朋友们对她失去了耐心,不过现在已今非昔比。加入µ’s后,她变得更加体贴他人,也因此交到了不少体谅她的朋友。舞台的另一边,和着妮可的演唱,另一位少女也在喃喃着她的唇齿,这最天然的乐器瞬间就使聆听的人们静下心来,感受着大海的平静。这个女孩就是潮留美海,她很害羞,甚至有时向外人讲话她也会依赖纱友去做。除去内向的性格外,美海其实是一位非常惹人怜爱的女孩,她非常关心她的朋友,因为她不想再失去生命中重要的人。 |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Tachibana Kanade for contributing today's matches and translations.
Amethyst 2 — Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Onodera Haru (Nisekoi) vs. Shiro (No Game No Life)
小野寺春(伪恋) vs. 白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
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Imōto. Little sister. One of the character archetypes we usually encounter in anime. Some people may dislike it, but they cannot deny the archetype's successes. Understandably, the sincere care of a little sister has a powerful charm that can enchant the lonely or the unprepared. Today, we have two caring little sisters battling for your votes. Onodera Haru cares for her big sister greatly and is concerned that her sister might socialize with people Haru deems harmful. There are times when she may appear too strict and intrusive, but her huge love for her sister cannot be questioned. She will sometimes push herself beyond her limit for the sake of her most beloved big sister. Meanwhile, Shiro joins hands with her big brother under their handler name, Blank, and rules the world of gaming as the world's greatest gamer of every genre. Shiro is intelligent, beautiful, and very clingy towards her brother, but she will fight to her utmost wits to stay together with her only big brother. Which imōto will run triumphantly today? That choice is yours to make. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] imōto. 妹妹。是我们经常会在动画中遇到的一种人物属性。有些人可能并不喜欢,但也无法否认妹妹们的角色塑造得很成功。当然,想想便知,来自妹妹的悉心照料有种强大的魔力,自然会使那些孤独或毫无防备的人为之着魔。 今天我们就有两位体贴的妹妹,为了你们的一票而战!小野寺春很是关心她的姐姐,以至于害怕姐姐与那些自己看起来明明是坏蛋的人打交道。虽然很多时候她太过苛求显得有点多管闲事,但大家都清楚那正是她的爱。而为了她最爱的姐姐,春总会做到极致,哪怕偶尔会过头。白妹,则与她的哥哥以「」的名号,作为最强大的玩家,统治了游戏世界,无论哪类游戏。白非常娇小美丽,十分依赖她的哥哥。为了能一直和哥哥在一起,她一定会最大限度地发挥出她的智慧去战斗。 哪个妹妹能够高奏凯歌?做出你们的选择吧! |

Kuriyama Mirai (Kyōkai no Kanata) vs.
Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai)
Often, it's not easy to accept ourselves. Sometimes, it's because of the traumatic experiences we have had. Kuriyama Mirai is the last member of her clan, once considered the most powerful demon hunters in Spirit Warriors society. Her power is sought by many, but it is also despised for the grief it brings. Mirai hated it. It brought her agony and made her kill her most beloved friend. She saw it as a curse and planned to shut it and herself away from everyone. Other times, it's because of various wishes we have. Nibutani Shinka had chūnibyō, a delusional disease, during her junior high school days. Now that she's in high school, she wants to erase her old identity and start anew her life as the belle of her school. But destiny has different ideas for them, and the two learn that their curse ironically brings them their happiness. During one mission, Mirai met a boy that accepts her and loves her. Meanwhile, Shinka finds that she can be most honest alongside fellow students with chūnibyō. Often, it's not easy to accept ourselves; however, we must strive to try to see the good in our weaknesses. |

Krul Tepes (Owari no Seraph) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate Series)
克鲁鲁·采佩西(终结的炽天使) vs. 伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦(Fate系列)
One night in the ISML cafeteria, Krul spots her soon-to-be opponent. Krul: Ara...ara..., Einzbern, isn't it? Illya: Whoa, a little girl. What are you doing here this late? Are you lost? Krul: Stop calling me little girl! You aren't one to talk here. Look at yourself! Illya: Hee... Is there something wrong with this body? People say I'm cute. Krul: Let me clear few things. First, you're not cute. Second, you're smaller than me and probably won't get any taller. Third, you don't know how long I have lived in this world. Illya: Do you see this? I drink lots of milk lately because it can make girls grow taller. Krul: Only a kid drinks milk at night. Illya: Then, what are you looking for at this hour? I believe you just want to buy juice. Krul: Are you sure? Do you want to know what I seek? Krul approaches Illya in a flash and whispers some words in Illya's ear. Krul: I'm looking for blood. Can I have yours? Illya: W-what..?? There's no way I will give you my blood. The conversation ends! Berserker, get ready to fight! Krul: I, Krul Tepes, will serve you a good fight tonight. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Suatu malam di Kafetaria ISML Krul: Aduh, bukankah kamu Einzbern? Illya: Oh, seorang gadis kecil. Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan di sini? Kamu tersesat? Krul: Berhenti memanggilku gadis kecil! Kamu seharusnya mengaca pada diri sendiri. Illya: Ehh... Ada yang salah dengan tubuh mungil ini? Orang-orang bilang aku imut. Krul: Biar kuperjelas beberapa hal. Pertama, kamu tidak imut. Kedua, kamu lebih pendek dariku dan kemungkinan tidak akan tumbuh tinggi lagi. Ketiga, kamu tidak tahu sudah berapa lama aku hidup di dunia ini. Illya: Kamu lihat ini? Aku minum banyak susu belakangan sebab ini dapat membuat gadis tumbuh tinggi. Krul: Hanya anak kecil yang minum susu di malam hari. Illya: Lalu, apa yang kamu lakukan malam-malam di sini? Aku yakin kamu hanya ingin membeli jus. Krul: Yakin? Kamu ingin tahu apa yang kucari? Krul menghampiri Illya dengan sangat cepat dan membisikkan sesuatu di telinga Illya. Krul: Aku mencari darah. Bolehkah aku menghisap darahmu? Illya: A-apa...?? Tidak mungkin aku memberikan darahku padamu. Percakapan selesai! Berseker, bersiap untuk bertarung! Krul: Aku, Krul Tepes, akan memberikanmu pertarungan yang menarik malam ini. 一天夜里,世萌餐厅中。 克鲁鲁:啊啦啊啦……,这不是爱因兹贝伦么? 伊莉雅:哇,哪儿来的小丫头。这么晚了你在这做什么?走丢了吗? 克鲁鲁:不要叫我小丫头!你没资格这样说,看看你自己吧! 伊莉雅:噫……我身材娇小些有什么问题吗?大家都说我很可爱呢。 克鲁鲁:我认为有几点需要跟你讲清楚。第一,你并不可爱;第二,你比我还要小,而且估计你也没法子长到我这么高了;第三,你绝对想不到我在这世界上已活了多久。 伊莉雅:看到这个了么?我最近喝了很多牛奶,这对女孩长个子是很有帮助的。 克鲁鲁:只有小孩子才会这样在晚上喝牛奶。 伊莉雅:那么,这么晚了你又是在找什么叻?或许只是想买杯果汁吧。 克鲁鲁:你确定?想不想知道答案? 克鲁鲁瞬间闪到伊莉雅身旁,对着她的耳朵低吟了几句话。 克鲁鲁:我要找的是血液,给我点你的如何? 伊莉雅:什-什么?我才不会呢。什么都不要说了!Berserker,出来战斗吧! 克鲁鲁:我,克鲁鲁•采佩西,今晚会和你好好打一场的! |
Thanks to BugH, Reverend, and Tachibana Kanade for contributing today's matches and translations.
Amethyst 3 — Friday, August 19, 2016

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Shimakaze (Kantai Collection)
夏娜(灼眼的夏娜) vs. 岛风(舰队Collection)
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This round will be another interesting round. Shana, a girl with a black straight hair and fury red eyes, arrives. While holding her legendary sword, she keeps moving forward towards her enemy. As a flame haze, she is used to fighting with big, strong monsters, but today, she will fight with another cute girl as her opponent. Her hair turns red as she prepares to fight. After waiting for a while, a loud voice is heard from afar. “You are too slow!” Shimakaze, a cute blonde girl, slides through the water and suddenly appears in front of Shana. Like a free spirit, Shimakaze is fearless and always cheerful, even though she knows that this fight will not be easy. Yet, she is daring enough to fire the first shot to open this battle. Shana, with her agility, dodges the missile and moves quickly towards Shimakaze. As her swords swings, Shimakaze, with her speed, moves away and shoots another missile. The match will keep going until one of them falls. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Ronde ini akan menjadi ronde yang menarik. Shana, gadis dengan rambut hitam lurus dan mata merah menyala muncul. Selagi ia memegang pedang legendaries, Nietono no Shana, ia bergerak maju ke arah lawannya. Sebagai seorang Flame Haze ia biasa bertarung dengan monster yang besar dan kuat, tapi hari ini ia akan melawan gadis cantik lainnya yang akan menjadi lawannya. Rambutnya berubah merah tanda ia siap bertarung. Setelah menunggu sebentar, suara keras terdengar dari kejauhan “ terlalu lamban.” ShimaKaze, Gadis imut berambut pirang muncul, ia berseluncur di air dan tiba-tiba tampil di depan Shana. layaknya roh yang bebas, ShimaKaze tidak kenal takut dan selalu bahagia, walaupun ia tahu bahwa pertandingan ini tidak mudah ia berani meluncurkan misil pertamanya. Shana dengan kelincahannya menghindar dan bergerak maju ke arah ShimaKaze. Ketika pedangnya hamper tiba, Shimakaze dengan cepat pergi dan menembakan misil berikutnya. Pertandingan tetap berlangsung sampai salah satu dari mereka kalah. 又将是引人入胜的一轮比赛。那个怒火色眼眸的黑长直少女——夏娜,出现了。手中握着传奇太刀贽殿遮那,她不断地向敌人的方位前进。作为火雾战士,夏娜习惯了与大块头的怪物作战,不过今天她将面对的敌人却是另一位可爱的女孩。当然,夏娜的战意丝毫未减,头发也变为了火红色。不一会,从远处传来洪亮的嗓音,“你也太慢了——”,话音未落,一个可爱的金发姑娘——岛风穿出水面来到夏娜的面前。仿佛自由精灵一般的岛风总是无所畏惧战意满满,尽管此次对决必将是一场酣战,她也毅然决然地射出了开启此战的第一发导弹。而夏娜则敏捷地避开,之后迅速移向岛风并挥出了太刀劈了过去,岛风靠着比之夏娜有过之而无不及的速度移动开来,紧接着发出了另一发导弹……大战如火如荼,两人不败不休。 |

Kazehaya Kamito (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance) vs.
Kamijō Tōma (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
风早神人(精灵使的剑舞) vs. 上条当麻(魔法禁书目录)
What is the most pleasurable moment for a man? Getting rich? Having a big mansion? Or maybe, having a harem, like these two gentlemen? Everything can be explained in Academy City, and that's the reason why Kamijō Tōma came to this city. He's looking for an answer for his misfortunes. Despite having a series of untimely events, somehow, he always attracts girls to his side: his own classmates, some middle schoolers, even nuns. The bad news is there's no proper explanation for this. Kazehaya Kamito was hoping for a normal daily life when he was invited to back to the institution to be properly educated as an Elementalist. Unluckily, like his opponent, somehow, he is always seen having a good time with the ladies in various locations: at the forest, in his room, even on the battlefield. There's only one simple explanation about this phenomenon: the girls feel secure when they are around them. Both are kind, warm, and friendly, and girls respect that kind of man. Then, who will secure the victory tonight: Kamito or Tōma? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Apa momen yang paling menyenangkan bagi seorang pria? Apakah menjadi kaya atau punya rumah besar? Atau mungkin, kalian menginginkan sebuah harem? Aha, pilihan yang bagus! Segalanya dapat dijelaskan di Academy City dan itulah alasan mengapa Kamijō Tōma datang ke kota ini; dia mencari jawaban dari segala kesialannya. Meski memiliki tingkat kesialan yang amat mengerikan, entah bagaimana dia selalu dapat memikat para gadis ke sisinya: teman sekelasnya, beberapa anak SMP dan bahkan segerombolan suster hanya untuk dirinya. Dan berita buruknya adalah tidak ada penjelasan terkait hal ini. Kazehaya Kamito berharap kehidupan normal ketika dia diundang untuk kembali ke Institut; untuk belajar yang benar sebagai seorang Elementalist. Namun sayangnya, seperti pria sebelumnya, entah bagaimana kita selalu dapat melihat dirinya sedang dalam momen-moen terbaik dengan para gadis: entah di hutan, di kamarnya atau bahkan di medan pertempuran. Hanya ada satu penjelasan simpel akan fenomena ini: ini karena para gadis merasa aman ketika lelaki-lelaki ini disekitar mereka: mereka baik, hangat dan bersahabat. Dan tentu saja para gadis sangat menghormati lelaki macam ini. Dan sekarang, siapa yang akan mengamankan poin malam ini: Kamito atau Tōma? 最令男人愉快的事是什么呢?变得富有或者拥有一座豪宅?或者,你想不想有个后宫?啊哈,绝妙之选! 任何事都可以在学园都市找到答案,也正是因为这点,上条当麻来到这里,以求给他不断遭遇不幸找个解释。不过当麻除了总遇到不幸之外,还有一个“被动”,那就是吸引妹子:同班同学,中学生们,甚至还有修女……然而坏消息是他目前还没有找到合理的解释。而风早神人,被邀请到教导院学习成为精灵使时,所期待的也是普通的生活。就像我们刚刚提到的那个男孩一样,神人也陷入了时常与各种女孩享受美好时光的境遇:在森林中,在房间里,甚至在战场上…… 造成这种现象的原因只有一个,那就是少女们在他们身边有安全感,他们善良、温柔、友好,女孩们也因此仰慕他们。那么,谁将主宰今晚呢?神人还是当麻? |

Ceil Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji) vs. Itachi Uchida (NARUTO)
夏尔•凡多姆海恩(黑执事) vs. 宇智波鼬(火影忍者)
What if, in just one moment, your family was wiped out? What if, during that moment, you were forced to commit something unspeakable of? If you experienced both circumstances, you might just be in the same boat as both Itachi and Ciel. In Itachi's case, the annihilation of his clan was something he was forced to commit for a variety of reasons. Leaving his dear little brother behind alone was another torturous decision that he was forced to make. Even as he tried to mask his emotions, his compassion for his family could not be enclosed and remains in Itachi's heart to this day. Whereas for Ciel, the summoning of his demon butler was a feat he did to avenge his fallen parents. They died to kidnappers, who were later ridiculed with his shame and humanity. Even till this day, the memories of that horrible incident remain at the back of his mind, despite his forward-looking mindset to run the company of his parents, brimming with confidence and yet scared at the same time. Now, they fight once again with their hearts heavy. Who would you vote for to soothe his heart, even if temporarily? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 如果在一瞬间你的家人被抹杀,你会如何?如果在一瞬间就得做出某些不可名状的事,你又将怎样?若你的答案是正面的,那么你可能与鼬和夏尔有着相同的处境。对鼬而言,灭族一事他得被迫找到万千个理由才能下定决心,而之后将弟弟托付给他人又是一个他被迫做出的痛苦决定。尽管他一直在努力掩饰自己的感情,但对之前家族的怜悯之心却久久不能熄灭,直到如今。而对于夏尔来说,召唤出恶魔管家塞巴斯蒂安就是为自己死于绑架的父母报仇的一项壮举,这个恶魔后来总是嘲笑他的羞耻和人性。甚至到今天,这些可怕的记忆仍留在他的脑海中,夏尔非常有前瞻性的运营着公司,充满信心,但同时他也陷入了无边的恐惧 现在,两人将怀着沉重的心情展开战斗,即便可能只是暂时的,你想要安抚一下谁的内心呢? |

Emilia (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs.
Shiraishi (Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge)
One had her orgins disliked by the masses; the other was simply too unremarkable to notice. These traits that they have were pulling them down heavily before they decided that they need to embrace change. For Emilia, working as a candidate for the High Priestess has helped forced her to remain calm and confident. This immensely helped her with not only finding her endorsement but also her ability to speak to the public without fear of resentment, even if she knows her dubious origins would work against her. Even if she's still weak inside, her outer self knows what to do next in order to progress forward. For Shiraishi, she had to struggle to adapt to the new changes of her style that she had to embrace fully, which included wearing contacts and trying out a rather uncomfortable hairstyle. But, her goal was set, and she wanted to have friends she could hang out with and rely upon on. And so, she pressed on, filled with distress, but determined to make her goal a reality. As they stand on the ISML stage today, who would you give your heartfelt vote to for their efforts? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, itsukayuzuru, Tachibana Kanade, and BugH for contributing today's matches and translations.
Amethyst 4 — Monday, August 22, 2016

Tadokoro Megumi (Shokugeki no Sōma) vs. Miyamori Aoi (Shirobako)
田所惠(食戟之灵) vs. 宫森葵(白箱)
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The first step into something new is an experience filled with excitement and anxiety. Such is the case for Aoi and Megumi, who are new to the companies and institutions they are in. Despite their greenness, they will use their prior experiences to guide them on the right track. For Aoi, as a new assistant producer, her work life is hectic, stressful, and constantly keeping her on her toes. But, this shall be an obstacle she must overcome if she wants to advance further into this job that she believes is her calling to fulfill her dream. Whereas for Megumi, who is seen as the shining hope of her village, she is out to prove that she is worthy of the hopes and dreams placed upon her. She attends one of the most prestigious cooking academies with her head held high, not knowing of the incidents and people she will meet later on. Right now, both girls are tired but content, believing that they are in control of the lives they currently have. A vote to them will only keep them moving. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 迈向新事物的第一步是兴奋与担忧交织的经历,而这就正是宫森葵和田所惠这两位公司/学院的新人目前的情况。虽然是新人,但她们也会尽量用先前的经验使自己走上正轨。葵,作为新的制作进行,工作生活忙忙碌碌,充满了压力,却也让她不断前行。如果葵想要在这份被她称作可以实现梦想的工作上取得更大的进步,这将是一个她必须要打破的障碍。而对于惠来说,被视为家乡闪耀希望的她,尽管对可能遇到的人和事还一无所知,但在进入一所最有名望的料理研究院后,她需要证明自己值得大家所寄予的期冀与厚望之行已然开始了。 如今,两人都疲累却又满足着,而你的一票将使正受生活所制的她们更加奋然而前行! |

Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs.
Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
丹生谷森夏(中二病也要谈恋爱) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
"Even the happiest girls are imperfect." Onodera Kosaki is a kind, careful, and friendly girl. Her great sense of taste and knowledge in decorating food makes her a worthy worker at the kitchen. Despite her popularity, she still does not have a boyfriend for several reasons. Most notably, Kosaki is shy when she tries to confess her feelings. Most people know Nibutani Shinka as a responsible and outgoing person. Working as the freshman year representative and a cheerleader for her high school keeps her on her toes. Shinka is considered one of the most attractive girls in her school, but there is one side of her that she keeps hidden from the public. She is always embarrassed when someone remembers about that particular personality of hers. This match can be declared as the battle of girls who want to dismiss their weaknesses in order to become stronger! What will be the outcome of this clash? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] "Dibalik sebuah senyuman, mungkin saja terdapat kesedihan yang sangat." Onodera Kosaki adalah seorang gadis yang lemah lembut dan ramah. Sebagai anak dari seorang pemilik toko kue, Kosaki memiliki kemampuan indera perasa yang tajam serta kemampuan merias dan ketekunan. Ini menjadikannya sebuah aset berharga di dapur bagi keluarganya. Namun, sampai sekarang ia belum memiliki pasangan. Karena ia adalah seorang pemalu: ia selalu gugup setiap muncul kesempatan untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya terhadap laki-laki yang ia sukai. Ia tahu ia harus segera menyingkirkan kegugupannya dan menyatakan cintanya, sebelum kekasihnya diambil orang lain. Nibutani Shinka dikenal sebagai gadis yang rajin dan aktif secara sosial. Shinka selalu sibuk semenjak tingkat pertama SMA, sebagai perwakilan angkatannya dan juga anggota tim cheerleader. Kecantikan dan keramahannya menjadikannya gadis favorit di sekolahnya. Namun, sebenarnya Shinka memiliki kenangan buruk selama SMP. Ia adalah "korban" dari sindrom Chūnibyō, di mana ia mengira dirinya adalah seorang penyihir sakti bernama Mori Summer. Ia pun dianggap aneh dan dikucilkan. Maka, saat masuk SMA, ia bertekad mengubah dirinya. Namun, kenangan itu selalu menghantuinya; Ia akan merasa sangat malu setiap kali ia harus mengingat "rahasia gelap"-nya tersebut. Kedua gadis ini ingin menghilangkan kelemahan masing-masing dan menjadi lebih kuat! Bagaimana pertempuran di antara keduanya akan berakhir? “盈盈笑着的女孩儿们也会有所哀伤。” 小野寺小咲是一个善良、细心又亲切的女孩。凭借敏锐的味觉及装盘的天分,她在厨房中也是很有价值的人。尽管很受欢迎,但因为某些原因她还并没有男朋友。最大的问题就在于每每到需要表露心意的时机,她总会变得羞怯。丹生谷森夏是作为一个有责任心、外向的人被人们所熟知。她有点忙碌,在学校她是新生代表,又是啦啦队的成员。森夏被认为是最受欢迎的女生之一。然而她也有着个性上的隐藏一面。一段时间之前,中二的森夏曾称自己为“Mori Summer”。于是,每当有人想起那段过去时森夏总是非常尴尬。 本场比赛可以说是两位想除去自己的软弱而变得更加强大的女孩间的战斗。交锋的结果会是如何呢? |

Satomi Rentarō (Black Bullet) vs.
Katsuragi Keima (Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
里见莲太郎(漆黑的子弹) vs. 桂木桂马(只有神知道的世界)
"What I’m seeing...Is it real?" That is the sentence that best describes Katsuragi Keima, an attractive guy who is addicted to girl games. Because he spends a lot of time playing games, he can barely differentiate between reality and fantasy, especially when interacting with girls. '2D girls are better than 3D' is his motto, and he truly believes that statement. "Believe that there's hope!" Living in the near-end world doesn't make Satomi Rentarō give up his life that easily. He is certain that there's still hope for him and mankind to live. That's why he's fighting right now: to protect the people he loves, to protect the smile of his partner, and, of course, for peace. Tonight, these brave young men will show us the true meaning of battle. One is coming with his doctrine of cute girls while the other is bringing his ideology of justice. This is now or never: Satomi Rentarō versus Katsuragi Keima!" [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Apa yang kulihat... Apakah ini nyata?" Seorang lelaki tampan yang tergila-gila dengan girl game adalah kalimat yang cocok untuk menggambarkan Katsuragi Keima: "anak ini benar-benar menyedihkan," kata ibunya. Terlalu banyak bermain membuatnya hampir membuatnya tidak bisa membedakan mana kenyataan dan mana yang fantasi, terutama tentang hubungannya dengan para gadis. 'Gadis 2D lebih baik daripada 3D' adalah motonya dan dia benar-benar menganggapnya serius. "Percayalah harapan itu ada!" Hidup di dunia yang hampir kiamat tidak membuat Satomi Rentarō begitu mudah menyerah pada kehidupan. Dia percaya bahwa di sana masih ada harapan baginya dan umat manusia untuk hidup dan itulah alasannya bertarung saat ini: bertarung untuk melindungi orang-orang yang dia cintai, bertarung untuk melindungi senyum partnernya dan tentu saja bertarung untuk perdamaian. Malam ini, dua pria berani ini akan menunjukkan pada kita semua makna sebenarnya dari sebuah pertarungan: yang satu datang dengan doktrinnya akan gadis-gadis imut sementara yang lain membawa ideloginya akan keadilan ke atas medan pertempuran ini. Sekarang atau tidak sama sekali: Satomi Rentarō melawan Katsuragi Keima! “我看到的……是真实的么?” “一位沉迷于美少女游戏的帅哥”就是形容桂木桂马最贴切的句子了。她的妈妈说:“这孩子已经没救了。”玩游戏太多使他有点分不清虚幻与现实,尤其是在与女生交往时。“二次元比三次元好多了”是他的座右铭之一,而他也是严肃对待的。 “相信希望一直都在。” 生活在濒死世界并没有让莲太郎轻易放弃。他相信自己以及人类生存下去的希望从未消失,也正是这样他才战斗至今:为了保护所爱的人而战斗,为了守护同伴微笑而战斗,当然,也为了和平而战斗。 今夜,这两个勇敢的人将为我们展现什么才是真正的战斗:一个带着他的可爱少女的信条,一个带着正义的思想来到战场。良机千载难逢:里见莲太郎 vs. 桂木桂马。 |

Beatrice (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs.
Suzunoki Rin (Bakuon!!)
From an outsider's perspective, one could view them as slightly arrogant, confident of their skills, and very proud. However, hidden inside is something from another dimension, a whole new personality waiting to surface. Beatrice takes pride as the librarian of a certain mansion and resents intruders who come into the magical library for no good reason. But, when one takes the time to understand her, one would soon realize that she is a woman of compassion, someone who would rather take the suffering than see others suffer. Whereas for Rin, her passion for the brand of motorcycles that is the basis of her name overrules all. She would protect the image of that particular brand until the very end, showing a rather noble side of her compared to what she usually is. Right now, they seem proud enough as they enter the ISML Stage. But, your votes actually mean deeply to them in their desire to perform their roles. |

Misaki Akeno (High School Fleet) vs.
Tamaki Ako (Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko Janai to Omotta?)
Love doesn't always mean a romance between two people. Love comes in all shapes and sizes and with different emotions invoked in them. For Misaki Akeno, her love for her ship is unsurprising. As the captain of the vessel, she has to love the ship more wholeheartedly than others in order to be worthy of such a role. From time to time, she has displayed just how much she treasures the vessel, bringing her closer to her crewmates as well as other factors that only deepen her love. Whereas for Tamaki Ako, who is a bit reserved, she was able to relax in the world of MMOs, and, within a certain one, she found someone she could love. Even if she knew it would be a one-sided love on her part, she still displays her affection openly for she feels that love is what gives her strength. Love is a universal language, and these two have displayed it well. Now, with all of your 'loving' support, who shall you want to advance further? |
Thanks to shadowhunter, Fuijiwara, BugH, Reverend, and Lulu for contributing today's matches and previews.
Amethyst 5 — Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Shimakaze (Kantai Collection) vs.
Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukinai)
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One cute girl appears from afar. While she is sliding around, she plays with her fellow ships. The blonde straight hair Shimakaze is ready to report. Like a free spirit, Shimakaze is wandering around looking for something fun. Her speed and agility are some of her strength. Taking a nap wherever she likes and playing around are some of her habits. She is always cheerful, whatever condition that lies ahead. On the other side, Kashiwazaki Sena, a beautiful, slender girl with straight blonde hair also comes. For her, making friends is one of the reasons for her to join a club. She often plays visual novels during club activities and, because of her authority, no one is able to disband her from the club. Born in rich family, Sena wished for true friends that can support and understand her condition. Two of them have their own charm, but on this stage, we have to decide which one is better. So, who is your choice? |

Shiodome Miuna (Nagi no Asakura) vs. Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series)
潮留美海(来自风平浪静的明天) vs. 远坂凛(Fate系列)
One day at a certain jewelry shop. Miuna: Whoa... look at these jewels. They're beautiful! Rin: Ara... What's up, little girl? Are you looking for something? The shop owner is out for a while. Can I help you? Miuna: Excuse me, I'm just looking for a silver necklace. Rin: That’s a good choice. Are you going to show it to your boyfriend? Miuna: No! He's not my boyfriend. Actually, he's my uncle, and I want him to see me as a girl. Rin: Ara... You are really working hard for this, just like me in the past. Miuna: What have you done, Miss? Rin: I have done everything to be a great Tōsaka, just like my father. Bearing that family name was too heavy for the 'young' me, but I have to, because that was his wish for me. Miuna: I can see that, and I need to learn that from your story, Miss Tōsaka. I will fight for my dream. Rin: Keep that spirit... What should I call you? Miuna: Miuna. Shiodome Miuna. Rin: Okay Miuna, you can call me Rin. Tōsaka Rin. Let's move to café near this shop, and we will have a great chat there. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Suatu hari di sebuah toko perhiasan. Miuna: Wah... Lihat perhiasan-perhiasan ini, mereka sangat cantik! Rin: Ah... Ada apa, gadis kecil? Mencari sesuatu? Pemilik toko sedang keluar sebentar, ada yang bisa dibantu? Miuna: Permisi, aku hanya sendang mencari sebuah kalung perak. Rin: Pilihan yang bagus. Apakah kamu akan menunjukkannya kepada pacarmu? Miuna: Bukan! Dia bukan pacarku, sebenarnya dia adalah pamanku dan aku ingin dia melihatku sebagai seorang gadis. Rin: Aduh... Kamu benar-benar bekerja keras untuk ini ya, sama sepertiku di masa lalu. Miuna: Apa yang kamu lakukan, kak? Rin: Aku melakukan semuanya untuk menjadi Tōsaka yang hebat seperti ayahku. Membawa nama keluarga itu terlalu berat bagi diriku waktu muda, namun aku harus melakukannya karna itu adalah impian ayah untukku. Miuna: Aku mengerti dan aku perlu belajar beberapa dari kisahmu, Kak Tōsaka. Aku akan berjuang untuk impianku. Rin: Pertahankan semangat itu... Bagaimana aku memanggilmu? Miuna: Miuna, Shiodome Miuna. Rin: Oke Miuna, kamu dapat memanggilku Rin, Tōsaka Rin. Ayo kita pindah ke kafe dekat toko ini, kita akan berbincang seru di sana. 一天,在某个珠宝店中。 美海:哇……看这些珠宝,它们多漂亮啊! 凛:啊啦……怎么了小姑娘?在找什么东西么?店主出去了,我可以帮你吗? 美海:那就麻烦你了……我在找银项链。 凛:不错的选择,你是要戴给你的男友看么? 美海:不!他不是我男友,其实他是我叔叔,我只是想让他把我当女孩子看待。 凛:哦……那你还真用心啊,真像过去的我。 美海:你都做了什么,小姐? 凛:我做了能做的一切,为了成为像我父亲一样杰出的“远坂”。这个姓对于当时年幼的我来说太过沉重了,但我又不得不如此因为那就是他对我的期望。 美海:我能感觉到,而且我可以从你的故事中学到些什么,远坂小姐。我会为了梦想而奋斗。 凛:请保持这种精神……我该怎么称呼你呢? 美海:美海,潮留美海。 凛:好的,美海,你可以叫我凛,远坂凛。让我们到附近的咖啡店坐一坐,我们可以好好聊聊。 |

Kafū Chino (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs. Ayase Eli (Love Live!)
绚濑绘里(Love Live!) vs. 香风智乃(请问您今天要来点兔子吗?)
A tall, blonde hair girl enters an old-fashioned café. Chino: Welcome to our café! Oh, it`s you, Ayase-san! Eli: Don`t be so official! You can call me Eli! Does your work keep you busy? Chino: Yes, as usual. Do you want some coffee, Eli-chan? Eli: One cup of cappuccino, please! Chino: I h-h-hope you will like it. Eli: Harasho! Great taste! Chino: Thanks for the compliment! Eli-san, you`re so calm and mature! I wish one certain girl could be a proper senior like you. Eli: Ha-ha! That is too much praise for me! I think, sometimes, it`s better to be cheery and playful. Do you want to be a barista, Chino-chan? Chino: Yes, I would like to work as one! Eli: You definitely have the skills for that! Oh, I need to go. See you later, Chino-chan! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 一位高挑的金发少女走进了一家老式咖啡厅。 智乃:欢迎光临!诶,是你呀,绚濑小姐。 绘里:不用那么正式!叫我绘里就好!工作一切照旧么? 智乃:嗯,跟往常一样。要来点咖啡吗,小绘里? 绘里:一杯卡布奇诺,谢谢! 智乃:给,希-希望你能喜欢。 绘里:Harasho!味道太棒了! 智乃:多谢夸奖!绘里,你是多么文静与成熟啊!我希望某个女孩也能成为一个像样的前辈。 绘里:哈哈!大家对我的赞誉有点太多了。也许,有时爽朗、调皮点会更好呢。你想要成为咖啡馆服务员么,小智乃? 智乃:我喜欢在咖啡馆工作!!! 绘里:你当然有这个天分!哦,我得走了。待会见,小智乃! |
Thanks to shadowhunter, BugH, Lulu, and itsukayuzuru for contributing today's matches and translations.
Amethyst 6 — Friday, August 26, 2016

Hiradaira Chisaki (Nagi no Asakura) vs.
Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!)
比良平千咲(来自风平浪静的明天) vs. 丹生谷森夏(中二病也要谈恋爱)
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It isn't easy to be the wingman, the third wheel in a relationship between friends, especially if personal feelings are also on the line. It isn't easy playing support, sacrificing and denying self-interest, and giving up on love so that others don't have to. It isn't easy watching with mixed feelings, hoping with mixed wishes, and smiling with mixed tears. It's a role that few want and fewer succeed in performing. Society even lashes out on these people, calling them indecisive, self-despising, and weak. They are unappreciated, underestimated, pitied, seen as meddlesome, and sometimes loathed. But there's one thing they do, and they do it well: they love. They love their friends for who they are and are willing to suffer for. They love their relationships and try desperately to keep them healthy and active. They love the perfect ending and will not settle for less. And, most importantly, they love themselves. They know that doing anything else besides fully supporting their friends, even against their own feelings and wishes, would never make them happy. For people like Hiradaira Chisaki and Nibutani Shinka, happiness doesn't come from fulfilling their own desires but making dreams come true for others. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Tidak lah mudah untuk menjadi orang ke-3 dalam suatu hubungan antar pertemanan – terutama jika perasaan pribadi juga termasuk didalamnya. Tidaklah mudah untuk membantu, berkorban, dan mengalahkan keinginan pribadi serta menyerah dalam cinta, untuk orang lain. Tidakalah mudah menyaksikan dengan persaan yang gundah, berharap dengan harapan yang gulana dan tersenyum dalam air mata. Ini peran yang sedikit orang inginkan dan sedikit orang pula yang berhasil dalam melakukanya. Masyarakat bahkan mengkesampingkan orang-orang ini menyebut mereka tidak tegas , membenci diri sendiri, dan lemah . Mereka tidak dihargai , diremehkan , dikasihani , dilihat sebagai usil , dan kadang-kadang dibenci . Tapi satu hal yang mereka lakukan , dan mereka melakukannya dengan baik - mereka mencintai . Mereka mencintai teman-teman mereka untuk siapa mereka bersedia untuk menderita . Mereka mencintai hubungan mereka dan berusaha mati-matian untuk menjaga mereka sehat dan aktif . Mereka mencintai akhir yang sempurna dan tidak akan berhenti jika kurang. Dan yang paling penting , mereka mencintai diri mereka sendiri . Karena mereka tahu bahwa melakukan hal lain selain sepenuhnya mendukung teman-teman mereka , bahkan terhadap perasaan dan keinginan mereka sendiri , tidak akan membuat mereka bahagia . Untuk orang seperti Hiradaira Chisaki and Nibutani Shinka, kebahagiaan tidak datang dengan memenuhi keinginan pribadi melainkan membuat impian orang lain menjadi nyata. 这并不容易,去做一架“僚机”或者说朋友关系中的“电灯泡”,尤其是当自己的感情也在摇摆不定;这并不容易,去支持他人,牺牲及否认自我的利益,甚至在爱情中做出让步以便其他人不必再如此;这并不容易,带着复杂的感情看着,带着纷杂的心意希望着,带着陈杂的泪水笑着。这是一个少有人想要扮演,更少有人能够成功扮演的角色。甚至社会也会抨击这类人,说他们优柔寡断、自卑、懦弱。他们不被赏识,不被看重,被怜悯,被视为多管闲事者,有时还被人憎恶。但有一件事他们做了,并且做得很好——他们爱了。他们爱着朋友们,愿代之受苦;他们爱着之间的关系,并不顾一切地去维持它的健康与活力;他们爱着那完美的结局,并绝不会适可而止;以及,最重要的是,他们也爱着自己,因为他们清楚,即便全力支持着朋友们有点违背自己的感情与心意,但除此之外,任何其他事都不会令自己开心的。 于像比良平千咲和丹生谷森夏这样的人,她们的幸福从来不是来自于实现自己的愿望,而在于帮助他人梦想成真。 |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate Series)
高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs.
Our beautiful, sweet model Kirino comes up on the stage. Playing visual novels and collecting figurines are some of her favorite activities. She even asks her older brother to go afar in the night just for buying new releases for her favorite games. But, don’t get it wrong; even though she seems to only care about her visual novels, she is also an ace in academics. She is straightforward towards her decision: however, she cannot be honest with her feelings. Having a big brother is one of the great gifts that she has. On other side of the stage, a cute, little girl Illya comes up with her magical costume. Illya is a considerate and tough girl; she will face anything in order to save her friends. After receiving a mystical stick, her life changes, becoming unordinary and more interesting. She receives a lot of tasks from the former sticks owner and deals with magical things. The good thing is, despite her busy work as one of the magicians, she meets new friends that are precious to her. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Model manis dan cantik kita, menaiki panggung. Bermain Eroge dan mengumpulakn Figure Meruru adalah salah satu aktivitas favoritnya. Ia bahkan meminta kakaknya untuk keluar dimalam hari hanya untuk membeli eroge baru. Tapi, jangan salah, walaupun kelihatannya ia hanya peduli pada eroge, tetapi ia juga adalah jagonya di bidang akademis. Dia blak-blakan dalam keputusan tetapi tidk jujur dengan perasaannya. Mempunyai seorang kakak adalah salah satu hadiah terindah untuknya. Disisi lain, gadis imut nan lucu tampil dengan kostum magis nya, Illya. Illya adalah wanita yang perhatian dan tegar, ia akan menghadapi apapun untuk menyelamatkan temannya. Setelah menerima tongkat ajaib, hidupnya berubah menjadi tidak biasa dan lebih menarik. Ia menerima banyak tugas dari pemilik tongkat ajaib lamanya, dan berurusan dengan hal-hal magis. Hal baiknya adalah semenjak ia menjadi magician, ia bertemu dengan teman-teman yang penting dalam hidupnya. 我们漂亮甜美的模特桐乃登上了舞台。玩成人游戏、收集梅露露的动画就是她最大的爱好。为了购买新发售的成人游戏,她甚至会让她的哥哥在夜里走很远去排队。不过请别想错,虽然她看起来只在乎她的成人游戏,但她在学校里各方面都是一流的。桐乃总是坦率地做着种种决定,然而在自己的感情上,她却无法坦白。而有一个哥哥就是对她最大的恩赐。在舞台的另一边,是穿着魔法礼服的娇小可爱的伊莉雅。伊莉雅是个体贴又坚韧的女孩,为了救自己的朋友,她敢于面对任何事。在收到了一根魔杖之后,她的生活变得不平凡,充满了更多的乐趣。她从前执有者那里接到了很多的任务,并开始处理一些魔法事物。当然,还有一件好事,那就是成为一名魔术师后,她交到了一个珍贵的朋友。 |

Holo (Spice and Wolf) vs. Krul Tepes (Owari no Seraph)
赫萝(狼与辛香料) vs. 克鲁鲁•采佩西(终结的炽天使)
It is another peaceful day in ISML. Holo invited Krul to have a tea party with her. Krul: I'm here. Holo: Ah, welcome Krul. Please, take a seat. Krul: What is this about, Holo? Don't give me another childish conversation, or I'll leave. Holo: Don't be so mean to me, Krul. I just want to have a nice chat with you. Can I? Krul: Fine! Holo: Hey, can I ask you something? Krul: What's that? Holo: Have you found something interesting in this world? You have lived for a long time. Krul: Good question. I've lived for over a thousand years and seen many evil natures of humans. Holo: Like the seven deadly sins? Krul: Something like that. Their greediness is the most interesting aspect for me, especially in power and money. I love to see them kill each other to gain those things. How about you? Holo: Me? Humans are interesting creatures, aren’t they? I love how they put their faith in religion for various things: long life, a bountiful harvest, a good kid, and much more. Krul: Hahaha... You really enjoyed your life here, Holo. Holo: You know me so well, Krul. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Hari damai lainnya di ISML. Holo mengundang Krul untuk pesta teh bersamanya. Krul: Aku disini. Holo: Ah, selamat datang Krul. Silahkan duduk. Krul: Ada apa ini, serigala? Jangan beri aku obrolan anak kecil seperti sebelumnya, atau aku akan pergi. Holo: Jangan terlalu jahat dengan diriku, Krul. Aku hanya ingin bicara santai denganmu, boleh? Krul: Baiklah! Holo: Hei, boleh kutanya sesuatu? Krul: Apa itu? Holo: Sudahkah kamu menemukan sesuatu yang menarik di dunia ini? Kamu telah hidup sangat lama. Krul: Pertanyaan bagus. Aku sudah hidup lebih dari ribuan tahun dan sudah melihat banyak sekali sifat jahat manusia. Holo: Seperti tujuh dosa mematikan? Krul: Seperti itu dan sifat keserakahan mereka adalah yang paling menarik bagiku, terutama akan kekuasaan dan uang. I senang melihat mereka saling membunuh hanya untuk mendapatkan hal itu. Bagaimana denganmu? Holo: Aku? Bukankah manusia adalah makhluk yang menarik? Aku suka melihat mereka menaruh kepercayaannya pada Tuhan: untuk hidup panjang, untuk hasil panen berlimpah, untuk anak yang baik dan masih banyak lagi. Krul: Hahaha... Kamu sepertinya sangat menikmati hidupmu disini, serigala. Holo: Kamu sangat mengenalku, Krul. Ein weiterer friedlicher Tag in ISML. Holo hat Krul zu einem gemeinsamen Tee eingeladen. Krul: Da bin ich. Holo: Oh, herzlich willkommen Krul. Nimm bitte Platz. Krul: Worum geht es, Wolf? Ich möchte kein erneutes Gespräch auf Kleinkinderniveau oder ich gehe. Holo: Sei nicht so gemein zu mir, Krul. Ich möchte schön mit dir plaudern, in Ordnung? Krul: In Ordnung! Holo: He, kann ich dich etwas fragen? Krul: Was denn? Holo: Hast du etwas Interessantes in dieser Welt entdeckt? Immerhin lebst du schon viele Jahre. Krul: Gute Frage. In der Tat habe ich über 1000 Jahre gelebt und viele schlechte Wesensarten der Menschen gesehen. Holo: Wie die sieben Todsünden etwa? Krul: So etwas in der Art und die interessanteste Todsünde für mich ist die Gier, besonders nach Macht und Reichtum. Ich liebe es zuzuschauen wie sie sich gegenseitig töten um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Und was ist mit dir? Holo: Mit mir? Menschen sind schon interessante Wesen, nicht wahr? Und ich mag ihr Vertrauen in Gott: für ein langes Leben, für eine reiche Ernte, für ein gutes Kind und solche Wünsche. Krul: Hahaha... Du hast hier wirklich dein Leben genossen, Wolf. Holo: Du verstehst mir sich sehr gut, Krul. 又是世萌中平静的一天,赫萝邀请克鲁鲁来了个茶话会。 克鲁鲁:我在这儿。 赫萝:啊,欢迎欢迎。克鲁鲁,请坐。 克鲁鲁:萌狼,这回是关于什么的?可别再来一次像之前一样幼稚的对话了,那我可走了。 赫萝:别对咱这么刻薄嘛,克鲁鲁。咱只想跟汝好好聊一聊,可以吗? 克鲁鲁:好! 赫萝:那个,咱可以问点事不? 克鲁鲁:什么? 赫萝:汝在这世界有没有发现些有趣的事呢?汝可活了很久很久了。 克鲁鲁:好问题。我已经活了一千多年,见到人类的不少邪恶天性。 赫萝:比如“七宗罪”? 克鲁鲁:差不多,而其中使我最感兴趣的是“贪婪”,尤其是在权力和金钱上。我喜欢看着他们为了谋取权财而彼此厮杀。你呢? 赫萝:咱?人类是很有趣的生物,不是么?咱最喜爱的是他们把希望寄托于上帝这点:为了长生,为了大丰收,为了一个好孩子,还有很多其他的。 克鲁鲁:哈哈哈……看来你很享受你的生活啊,萌狼。 赫萝:汝太了解咱了,克鲁鲁。 |

Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats!) vs. Hyakuya Yūichirō (Owari no Seraph)
音无结弦(Angel Beats!) vs. 百夜优一郎(终结的炽天使)
“I still cry when I think about them. My family, whom I couldn’t save, who died before my eyes. Sometimes, I would wonder, ‘Why did I survive?’ The answer used to be simple. For revenge. To destroy the damned vampires. But lately, it’s becoming more complicated to answer, and it’s all thanks to a bunch of people I’ve gotten to know who won’t leave me alone. They’re annoying, but…well...they’re my friends. My new family. I don’t want to make them feel sad. Tell me, Yuzuru. What’s the afterlife like? Do you think they found happiness there?” “The afterlife, huh? To be honest, that place didn't feel like the afterlife. It was home to a group of quirky students who spent their days breaking rules. We called the principal's office our headquarters, lifted other students' lunch tickets and pretended we were on some elaborate mission, and even navigated an underground labyrinth filled with traps. They’re truly ridiculous antics, but, you know, those days were fun. This may be presumptuous, but all of us were able to let go of our regrets. If your family ended up in such a place, then I can assure you: you have nothing to worry about.” [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “想起他们的时候我依然会哭。那些死在我的眼前,我救不了的家人:茜,香太,千寻,太一。有时我会想:为什么我幸存下来了呢?这个问题曾有个简单的答案:当然,为了复仇。为了毁灭那些可恶的吸血鬼。但最近,拜我遇到的一众对我不离不弃的笨蛋们所赐,这个问题变得越来越难以回答。他们很讨人厌,但是……好吧……他们也是我的朋友,我新的家人。我不想让他们伤心。结弦,告诉我。死后世界怎么样?他们在哪里能够找到幸福吗?” “死后世界,哈?说实话,那儿并不像是死后世界。其实是一群整天去违反校规的奇葩们的家。我们把校长室叫做司令部;我们席卷学生们的午餐券假装在进行着精心策划的任务;我们甚至闯了一个布满陷阱的地下迷宫。都是些荒唐可笑又让人哭笑不得的事。但是,这些日子却充满了欢乐。可能有点自以为是,但我们全部都接受了自己的死亡,最终抛却了各自的遗憾。如果你的亲人们落到这样的地方,我可以向你保证:完全不必为他们担心。” |

Munetani Mashiro (High School Fleet) vs. Mumei (Kōtetsujō no Kabaneri)
宗谷真白(高校舰队) vs. 无名(甲铁城的卡巴内瑞)
While they may show a strong demeanor, in reality, they are just as vulnerable as any normal person, perhaps even more so due to their insecurities. For Mashiro, she was unable to attain the prestigious role of a captain due to bad luck. However, through her role as the deputy captain, she continued to display qualities a captain had. Throughout the course of her journey on the ship, she understood what a good captain really was, and this experience had her put down her insecurities and face forward. For Mumei, she may be a combat genius, but inside, she was dependent on a certain "hero" to give her confidence. Without him, Mumei was just a vulnerable child. When that certain brash male came about and pulled her out of that dependency, she learned to fight not just for anyone, but for herself. The two girls here have shown us a valuable lesson: to face forward if one wanted to eradicate his or her fears. As they approach the arena, who would you commend for the efforts they have taken to do so? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 尽管她们所表现出的是坚强的举止,但事实上,她们就像任何一个普通人一样脆弱,或许由于她们的不安全感,还要更甚。宗谷真白,尽管在入学考试中的一点坏运气使她错失成为舰长这一有名望的角色的机会,但这并不能阻止她即使在担任副舰长,也在展露舰长所应有的品质。在晴风舰的历程使真白明白了如何做一个好舰长,也正是这段经历让她放下了自己的不安全感并且去直面前路。而无名,她可能是个战斗天才,但内里,她其实很依赖那个给自己勇气的“英雄”。没有他,无名就只会是一个脆弱的孩子,直到这个自以为是的男人出现,并把她从“不独立自主”中拉出来,并迫使她不为其他任何人只为了她自己去战斗。 这两个女孩给我们上了非常有意义的一课:如果一个人想要根除自己的恐惧,那么最好的办法就是去面对。而来到了这个舞台之上,你想要称赞一下谁为此付出的努力呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara. blaZofgold, RailWarrior, itsukayuzuru, BugH, Shmion84, and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.