Featured Matches - ISML 2016 Diamond Period
Diamond 1 — Monday, October 24, 2016

Shiro (No Game No Live) vs. Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs. 黑雪姬(加速世界)
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The two divas of the gaming world finally face off against each other, and boy, will it be an exciting match between the two masters of their respective gaming worlds. Their mastery over the games, ruthlessness, and cold-blooded attitude against their opponents will serve them well in their current match, for this shall decide the queen of gaming. For Shiro, with her great intellect and deduction skill, she and her brother form the ultimate gaming duo and have demolished thousands of enemies and players who have intentions to best them. Her unbeatable record only grows stronger with each day. Whereas for Kuroyukihime, she rose up the rankings quickly and soon became crowned as one of the kings of her gaming world. But, conflict soon followed after her ambition and greed grew too much and caused her to fall out of grace, unable to show her face to the crowd again. Even though she hides in the shadows, she still hones her skills and is a force to be reckoned with. And so, with their eventual face-off, who shall prevail? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 游戏世界中的两大女主终于在此阶段会师,这将是一场各自游戏世界中的主宰间的激动人心的对决。她们的统治力,及在游戏中对敌人冷酷无情的恶名,都对眼前这场比赛大有裨益,因为这不仅仅是世萌的较量,更决定了谁才是游戏女王。白,凭借着非凡的智力与强大的推演能力,和她的哥哥组成了一个顶级的游戏拍档,即大家所熟知的空白——「 」。空白摧毁了成千上万的敌人及意图击败他们的玩家,白的不败战绩只在与日俱增。而对于黑雪姬,她极快地提高了排位并跻身成为加速世界的王之一。不过,随着她野心与贪欲的增长,冲突纷至沓来,使她堕落而无法再出现在众人的视线之中。但尽管只能隐匿于暗处,她仍始终磨练自己的技艺,而且仍被视为一方豪强。 那么,在终于到来的这场对峙中,谁会取胜呢? |

Korosensei (Ansatsu Kyōshitsu) vs. Totsuka Saika (OreGairu)
杀老师(暗杀教室) vs. 户塚彩加(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
As Korosensei was trying to approach the convenience store for his daily 'fill', he happened to notice Totsuka Saika, walking down the streets in a troubled state and running up to him. Saika: Hello, sir. Have you happened to chance upon a blue crystal necklace? It's a valuable item of mine... Korosensei: I-I'm afraid I haven't. Saika: Oh. Well, thank you, and sorry to have taken up your time. Trying again, Saika continues to search for the necklace, but to no avail. Seeing such a sight pumped Korosensei up to find that particular necklace. After minutes of blasting around with his Mach 20 speed, he soon spotted a glimmer near one of the town drains and picked up the necklace. He tried to spot Saika, but it wasn't long before he chanced upon him. Saika: Oh, Sir. It's you again. Korosensei: Yes it is. Is this the necklace you were searching for? Saika: Oh wow, thank you! This is indeed the necklace I was searching for. Korosensei: No problem, little girl. Saika: Oh, I think you're mistaken. I'm a guy, you see...Well, thanks again! Saika ran past Korosensei, whom slowly broke off piece by piece, shocked by the unexpected reveal. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 正当试图去便利店进行日常“补充”时,杀老师碰巧注意到了那个他误以为是女孩的人——户冢彩加——仿佛很烦恼似的走在街上。他觉得这会是个与“她”搭讪的好机会,于是杀老师以人类姿态接近了彩加。 杀老师:你好你好,看来你遇到些困难啊。 彩加:嗯,是啊。我不小心弄丢了条垂饰,而且看来根本找不回来了。 杀老师:不用担心!让我来。 丝毫没有犹豫地,杀老师以他20马的速度快速穿越了整个城镇,很快他就看到了下水道处那微弱的光,并捡起了那遗失的垂饰。杀老师开心地冲回了彩加的所在,整个过程不超过10秒钟。 杀老师:给,女士。 彩加:哇,谢谢!不过,我想,你可能搞错了,我其实是男的啦。 杀老师:什-什么? 彩加:多谢你的帮忙。我得走了。再见啦。 彩加从杀老师身边跑过,而后者,正惊愕于始料不及的残酷事实,一块一块碎了一地。 |
Thanks to Fuijiwara and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and previews.
Diamond 2 — Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Usami Mizuki (Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!) vs.
Takamiya Naho (orange)
宇佐美瑞希(这个美术社大有问题!) vs. 高宫菜穗(orange)
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“The first step to love is also the hardest” - a phrase Mizuki and Naho know all too well. Even as they come around to know where their true feelings reside, the courage to confess and the heart to accept any outcome is a very difficult feat to achieve. Take Mizuki, for instance; she slowly came to grow feelings for a dense man whom she loves wholeheartedly, but just can't speak the right words out. Confess as she may, the words simply fail to deliver. All she could do is to make up an excuse and hope that another day comes when she will be brave enough to do so, repeating the cycle over again. Naho also suffers the same fate. She has a genuine reason to love the man she was attracted to, other than her emotions, but just can't seem to find the right moment or the determination to say it out loud. She knows time is ticking, but her heart keeps faltering as if she had a time bomb in herself. The heart wants what it wants, but sometimes, that desire just can't be expressed. Whom do you sympathize with more? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “迈向爱的最初一步其实也是最艰难的一步”,美瑞希和菜穗对此都深有感触。尽管两人对自己的真心所在开始有所发觉,但告白的勇气与接受任何结果的内心对她们而言似乎依旧遥不可及。比如美瑞希,她对某个她全身心爱着的愚钝男人的感情有增无已,却做不到直言爱意。美瑞希想要告白,但话语偏偏无法传达,她能做的只有编造个借口然后寄希望于某天自己足够勇敢,结果只是重复着这个循环。同病相怜的菜穗对恋上某个有好感的人有个非常纯粹的原因,无关感情却看似也找不到良机与决心大声讲出心意。菜穗明白时间总在滴答着流逝,可她的心却依然在踌躇着,仿佛那砰然的跳动是有定时炸弹在其中。 心一直欲其所欲,只是心愿未必总能表露。你更怜爱谁呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Diamond 3 — Friday, October 28, 2016

Shiro (No Game No Life) vs. Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate)
白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs. 牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门)
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*At an ISML Chess Tournament Grand Finals* Shiro: Nice to meet you Kurisu. I’m Shiro. Kurisu: Ah, I know you. You are a strong contender in ISML. Shiro: Are you not? You have a smart series behind you, followed by being a dedicated character to that crazy guy. Kurisu sweats a bit. Kurisu: I heard you put the ISML Science Lab in shambles after beating its supercomputer ten times in chess. Shiro: Twenty. Kurisu: Eh? A-anyway, as for you, you’re just as dedicated to your brother, Sora. He already won an award, so I finally found your weakness. You can’t win a necklace without him by your side. Shiro pulls out a paper, writes on it, and hands it to Kurisu. Kurisu: “If I win, I move on with my life and if I lose I will take back what I said and wear a maid outfit Aschente-“ WHAT IS THIS?! Shiro: Aschente. Kurisu: I’M TALKING TO YOU! Shiro: You already made a promise pact. Word is law. You have to win to get out of it. Kurisu is mad, but sits down anyway. Kurisu: Conceited girl. Shiro: I don’t lose to anyone but my brother. 世萌象棋大赛总决赛。 白:很高兴见到你,红莉栖。我是白。 红莉栖:啊,我知道。你是目前世萌中很强劲的一位选手。 白:你不也是么?而且你的作品很有口碑,你的角色设定还是个对某个疯子情有独钟的形象。 红莉栖直出冷汗:我可听说你在象棋上10次打败世萌超级计算机而导致世萌科学实验室大乱啊。 白:20次。 红莉栖:额?好-好吧,至于你,你不也对空哥满心热忱么。他已经赢了些奖品,那么,哦我终于找到你的弱点了,没有哥哥陪着你根本赢不到项链。 白:…… 白拿出张纸写了几句话然后递给红莉栖:给。 红莉栖大声读了出来:“如若我胜,就继续前行;如若我败,就收回前言,并穿成女仆装Aschente。” 这是什么? 白:Aschente。 红莉栖:我不是说这个! 白:你这可是刚刚做了作战宣言。一言既出驷马难追。现在你不得不去取胜了。 红莉栖有点生气不过还是坐了下来:哼,自大的孩子。 白:我不会输给除哥哥外的任何人的。 |

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs. Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs. 椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
The ISML stage has come far, and the remaining candidates are all highly qualified to win the glamorous crown. On the stage today is the beautiful model Aragaki Ayase and the talented artist Shiina Mashiro. Ayase stands up and poses in front of the camera. Her straight black hair, beautiful face, and slender body will steal your heart away. She has more than just a stunning figure, though. She is a kind and caring girl, especially to those close to her; she pours all her efforts into helping out her precious friends when they need it. Mashiro, on the other hand, is calm and timid. She needs someone to stay by her side and provide her with everything that she need. In her dormitory, this straight blonde hair girl has a “care-taker” that she loves. Her ability in painting is well-known, and no one ever doubts that. Regarding her appearance, she is unmatched in cuteness and beauty. Her flat expression and act also never fail to snatch our hearts away. So between a beautiful model and talented artist, who is your choice? 世萌赛程已进行至此,剩下的都是真正有资格赢得那独一无二的皇冠的选手。今天在这舞台上我们有一位美女模特和一位天才画家。在舞台的一边,美女模特新垣绫濑站起身来对着闪光灯摆着各种姿势。绫濑那黑长直发、美丽容颜及窈窕身姿会偷走你的心。不仅有着外在美,她还有着善良体贴的内在,尤其是对亲近的人来说。绫濑愿意尽她所能在各方面帮助她那最珍重的朋友。舞台的另一边,有着沉静又略显羞怯的椎名真白。她在生活中需要有人陪伴并打理好她的一切。在宿舍中,这位金长直也确实有个她所爱的“监护人”。真白在绘画上的造诣人尽皆知,毋庸置疑。而说到外表,她也是个可爱美女,甚至可以说无可匹敌。她单纯平淡的表情与行为总能戳中我们的萌点。那么在美女模特与天才画家中你选择那个? |

Kanda Sorata (Sakurasō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Okazaki Tomoya (CLANNAD)
神田空太(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 冈崎朋也(CLANNAD)
*At the ISML Depot* Sorata: Hmmm, darn. Mashiro said something about a dango doll, but I swear that show is beyond dated. A blue-haired man approaches the teen Tomoya: Yo, if you’re looking for dango, they’re in the storage. People don’t like throwing stuff away here, so they keep it there. I come here all the time to get an addition. Sorata: Ah sweet, thanks uh… Tomoya: Okazaki Tomoya, just Tomoya is fine, though Sorata: Ah, right. Our vote’s coming up. Tomoya: Oh yeah. Might not show up though. My wife has a bit of a cold, so I’m caring for her. Sorata: Hehe, yeah. I have someone to care for too. Sorata pales a bit. Sorata: But she’s a bit out of my league. Tomoya: Haha, I remember feeling like that. Don’t worry, you will soon realize something about her that makes her seem more human. Sorata: Hehe, yeah. Though her flaws make her less human. Tomoya: You look like a man who’s blunt, but understanding, I’ll give you that. I wish you good luck. Sorata: Thanks, let’s both do our best. 世萌仓库中。 空太:呃,哎呀。真白说什么团子玩偶什么的,可是我肯定那玩意早过时了。 一个蓝发男子来到了这个男孩身旁。 朋也:哟,如果你在找团子的话,它们确实就在这里。人们不会乱放东西,而是会存在这里。我一直都是到这个仓库来找的。 空太:啊,太好了。谢谢—— 朋也:冈崎朋也,叫我朋也就行啦。 空太:嗯,好滴。话说我们的比赛就要开始了。 朋也:哦,是啊。可能去不了了,我老婆有点感冒,得照顾她啦。 空太:呵呵。我也有要照顾的人。(脸色一白)只是我有点配不上她。 朋也:哈哈,我知道那种感觉。别担心,你会发现些事使她跌下神坛的,但也会让她显得更有人性。 空太:呵呵,是啊。“然而缺点会让她缺少人情味”。 朋也:你看起来有些愚钝,却很善解人意呢。我会给你找团子的。祝你好运啦。 空太:多谢。世萌赛场上让我们全力以赴吧。 |

Inuzuka Tsumugi (Amaama to Inazuma) vs. Takimoto Hifumi (New Game!)
*Somewhere in ISML* Tsumugi: ~Shark~ Watch out for the shark~ Hifumi: Huh? A child? The timid Hifumi approaches the carefree child. Hifumi: What are you doing alone? Tsumugi: My name is Tsumugi, and I’m on my way to get medicine for my dad. He’s sick, so I came out. Hifumi: Uh oh, I think she sneaked out without thinking much about it. One thing’s for sure, though. She’s brave. Hifumi gives a warm smile Hifumi: I have some medicine in this building; it's my workplace. I can give you some for your father. Tsumugi: Yay, he’d like that. Hifumi: He’d also like for you to go back soon. Tsumugi: Yeah, he can get so angry sometimes. What building is this? Hifumi: A game buil- Tsumugi: GAMES?! The energetic child runs in and Hifumi rushes to her so she won’t get hurt. |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru, ~Baumkuchen-kun~ and Lulu for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Diamond 4 — Monday, October 31, 2016

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu)
由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
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It was a regular evening at the Service Club`s Room. Two girls were sitting at the table. One of them has stopped reading her book and asked. "Yuigahama-san?" "You want to speak about something, Yukinon?" "Have you found your geniune thing?" "Geniune? I haven`t thought about that. But, I understand what you're trying to say." "Am I so predictable?" "You`re my friend, and I want to be honest with you!" "I would wish the same, but I haven`t found the answer to my question..." "We should find our answers together, Yukinon! Maybe, after this match, we will have some clues!" "I think you`re right, Yui! Good luck to you!" "Let`s have some fun!" [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 那是在侍奉部中一个寻常的傍晚,两个女孩正就桌而坐,这时其中一个放下书本发问了。 “结衣?” “你有话要对我讲么,小雪乃?” “你找到了自己的真物吗?” “真物?我还没有想过。不过我大概明白你要说什么了。" "我这么容易被看懂的么?” “你是我的朋友嘛,而且我想跟你坦诚相待啊。” “我也希望如此,可是我还没有找到自己的答案……” “要不我们一起吧,小雪乃。也许这场比赛之后我们就会有些头绪呢。” “好吧你说的对,结衣。好运啦。” “嗯,让我们尽情享受比赛吧~” |
Thanks to shadowhunter and Lulu for contributing today's matches and translations.
Diamond 5 — Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs. Katō Megumi (Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata)
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Radiance brighter than the joys of summer. A jewel hidden in the midst of winter. These two girls may not want the attention, but the world revolves around them more so than they think. Tomori Nao desires to help those with supernatural powers by making them realizes the consequences of their actions sooner rather than later. Nao does not see herself as a hero or a savior, but a girl who wants to make sure those with these powers live their most optimal lives as possible. Katō Megumi was never interested in the spotlight usually goes with the flow of everyone around her. She knows she is not someone who would be able to stand out from a crowd, but she makes up for it by trying her best to be of most use to those she considers as friends. Who will be the main highlight in this encounter? |

Isshiki Iroha (OreGairu) vs. Tedeza Rize (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka)
The courage to trust someone can make or break the relationship between friends, co-workers, and significant others. To relieve oneself from it shows how strong one’s bond is. Originally, Isshiki Iroha’s main focus for attention was to act the way she believes would draw other people’s attention. An encounter with an enigmatic senior reveals that she can act as herself and obtain the results she was looking for. Tedeza Rize finds it difficult to express her true interests in public, choosing to blend in with society rather than stick out like a sore thumb. Meeting with people who would later become her closest friends shows Rize that she doesn’t need the acceptance of society as long as her friends are okay with whom she is. Not wanting to let their friends down, which of these two girls will be able to proceed to the next round? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today’s matches.
Diamond 6 — Friday, November 4, 2016

Nakano Azusa (K-On!) vs. Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online)
中野梓(K-ON!) vs. 结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域)
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Who does not know about the cute guitarist Nakano Azusa and the legendary berserker Yūki Asuna? Both of these girls are famous in their respective worlds, and they have unique specialties. For Azusa, she strives to become a great guitarist. Playing and having fun with her senpai and having tea and snacks are what her club does. Along with her senior, whom she admires, Azusa plays the role of the voice of reason who maintains her group’s balance between play and practice. Even though Azusa is a youngest member of the group, she is really dependable. The other side, Asuna is also a great girl. She never gives up in pursuing her goals, and she will make sure that anyone who stands in her way will be down. No one is able to escape from her sword. Her agile movement and strategic thinking are several of her plus points. She really cares about her team and is willing to do everything to save them. While playing her role in virtual world, she meets a strong boy who ends up becoming her boyfriend. Who will you support in this battle? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 谁人不知可爱吉他手中野梓?谁人不晓传奇剑士亚丝娜?她们皆是各自世界中独有千秋的名人。梓本来并未期待着能成为学校俱乐部中一名很棒的吉他手。而在加入之后,与前辈们嬉闹、吃点心、品美茶就是所做的事。在团体中,梓同一位她最爱的前辈一起,于玩乐、练习上扮演着平衡调控者的角色。尽管她是后辈,但梓喵却很可靠。另一边,亚丝娜同样是位极好的女孩。她从未放弃追求自己的目标,并且总能消除阻碍她的人。没有人能从她的剑芒下逃脱。她的优势是迅捷的移动以及战略性的思维。亚丝娜很在意自己的团队,不惜一切也愿意拯救他们。在游戏世界中,亚丝娜邂逅了一个强大的男孩,他最终成为了她的男友。 |

Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs.
Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
丹生谷森夏(中二病也要谈恋爱) vs. 青山七海(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Both of these girls place other people’s happiness above their own. Nibutani Shinka was a chūnibyō who wants to forget about her gloomy past experience and does not want it to be revealed. Unfortunately, she ends up in a circle of chūnibyōs, one of which was a fan of her past. Shinka seems to become enthusiastic when it comes to romance. She wants to see her friends happy, even helping two friends grow their relationship. On the other side we have Aoyama Nanami, a smart girl who never gives up in her live. Nanami is a diligent girl, not only in her study, but also in daily life. Ever since she moved to her new dorm, she helps with the house cores and helps her friend in taking care of someone. In terms of romance, Nanami is also in a similar situation. She puts her feelings aside in order to see her friends happy. So between these two girls, who is your choice? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这两个女孩总会将他人的幸福置于自己的之上。丹生谷森夏曾是个中二病,现在则极力想要忘掉那段黑历史。她不希望被人发觉自己作为“Mori Summer”的经历。然而她却毫无进展,保持中二到高中后,竟然遇到了“Mori Summer”的粉丝。当爱情来袭,森夏会变得满心热忱。而为了让朋友开心,她则会完全放下自己的感情。森夏会为了两个朋友的关系改善而穿梭于二人之间。在舞台的另一边,是青山七海,一个从未放弃的聪敏少女。七海无论在学习还是日常生活中,都是那么地孜孜不倦。自从搬到樱花庄后,她就开始帮忙家务并帮朋友照顾某人。在爱情方面,七海和森夏一样,为了朋友的幸福宁愿自我牺牲。那么在今天的比赛中,你会支持谁呢? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.