Featured Matches - ISML 2016 Elimination Period

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series)
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The fire that burns inside their hearts knows not when to give up. No matter how many times she is backed in the corner or is in the lowest point in her life, Shana continues to stand tall. Her thoughts shall not waver; her hands remain steady. She knows that there is something important that she must protect, and, in order to fully commit to it, she must fight on beyond her limits. Tōsaka Rin will not crack under the pressure of those who expect more from her. Not only will she surpass it, she will show them just how much a young magician like herself is capable of. You can try to keep her grounded, but it will give her more of an incentive to break free from her chains. Which of these two contestants will be left standing after all is said and done? |

Isshiki Iroha (OreGairu) vs. Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu)
“I truly don’t understand you. You’re the type of girl who follows whatever the crowd does? So, how do you know the right words to say given any situation? How are you able to find a solution that satisfies both parties? Why are you much more insightful than you appear? Do you know how hard I tried to act the way you do naturally? I just want to be someone everyone can get along with.” “The truth is I enjoy your personality the most. I love how honest and straightforward you are and how you’re feelings can ring deep in one’s heart. You may say things in a cryptic manner, but I know that you are quite shy and overthink about the various situations around you. You have no shame in expressing your feelings, and that is what makes you such an interesting person to get along with.” “It’s funny how we need someone else to see our strengths. Perhaps it is possible to truly express what I think about you…” |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today’s matches.