Featured Matches - ISML 2016 Emerald Period
Emerald 1 — Monday, September 19, 2016

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs. Yūdachi (Kantai Collection)
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“Hello guys, your beautiful and cute Ayase is here,” said Ayase to all of voters. Ayase is an idol for everyone. This straight black hair girl is one of those models who appear in fashion magazines. Not only is her beauty one of her charms, but her personality makes us fall in love to her. She is considerate towards others, especially towards her dearest friends. Moving from the beautiful model Ayase, Yūdachi also appears onstage. This cute girl never fails to amuse us with her actions. After she got remodeled, she became more beautiful and more destructive. Yūdachi is a hard worker; she trains frequently in order to become stronger. Her last words before battle: “Don’t forget to vote me, POI!” |

Senjōgahara Hitagi (Monogatari Series) vs.
Tadokoro Megumi (Shokugeki no Sōma)
战场原黑仪(物语系列) vs. 田所惠(食戟之灵)
Sometimes, it's the underdogs who get the last laugh around here, for their determination and will to succeed more than make up for their lack of power. Whether it be in ISML or in their respective animes, there's no denying them. For Hitagi, countless foes stand in her way of reaching for the one she loves. Some obstacles are easier to overcome; others, more difficult. Despite such a disadvantage on her side, Hitagi never gave up once and got her fairy tale ending. Megumi, on the other hand, was never seen as a threat by her foes due to her once mediocre results that almost landed her in expulsion. But, it's with that standard placed upon her that she worked notoriously hard in order to perfect her style of cooking, having reached success in her cooking academics. It's without a doubt that determination is key to success, and these two are brimming with it. Just who will prevail? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 有时候,劣势的一方也可以在这儿笑到最后,因为她们有着不仅是为了弥补实力上不足更为了取胜的决心与意志。无论是在世萌或是在各自的动画中,都没有人会否认她们这点。对战场原黑仪来说,不计其数的敌人阻碍她触及所爱之人。他们中有的较好,有的较坏,但终究都成了拦路虎。尽管黑仪这边有着如此不利,她却未曾放弃而让自己的童话就此结局。另一方面,田所惠,由于自己那平庸的甚至几乎将她置于退学境地的成绩,从未被对手看作是威胁。但是,正是带着加之于身的标准,她才会在业已在料理学业中取得了一定成绩的情况下仍然出了名的努力地工作以求完善自己的料理方式。 无疑,决心是成功的关键;无疑,这两位选手正决心洋溢。那么谁会获胜呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, Lulu, and itsukayuzuru for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Emerald 2 — Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs. Shimakaze (Kantai Collection)
橘万里花(伪恋) vs. 岛风(舰队Collection)
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“Hello!” Tachibana Marika shouts from afar when her name is called in the ISML stage. Marika is a cute and cheerful girl. In the past, she was more somber, but after she met someone special in her life, she changed her personality almost 180 degrees. She is a smart girl, especially when she is making a strategy to make that special person fall for her. What makes her different from most of girls is her boldness with her feelings. She will not hesitate to confess her love. In other side, we have an adorable “ship girl” who also appears from a distance. While she is sliding around, she plays with her fellow ships. She has been an idol for everyone since her first appearance: the straight, blonde, long hair girl, Shimakaze. Her speed and agile movement become some of her strength. Taking a nap wherever she likes and playing around are her habits. She is always cheerful, no matter what conditions lay ahead. Right now, both of these cheerful girls will face one another. Who will you support? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Hello Desu wa ! Tachibana marika teriak dari kejauhan ketika namanya dipanggil ke arena ISML. Marika adalah gadis yang imut dan menyenangkan. Di masa lalu, kepribadiannya munkin berbeda, tapi ketika ia bertemu seseorang yang special di hidupnya, Ia mengubah kebiasaannya 180 derajat. Ia wanita yang pandai ketika membuat strategi untuk membuat yang dicintainya jatuh padanya. Berbeda dari kebanyakan wanita, ia cukup berani dengan perasaannya dan tidak ragu untuk menyatakan cintanya. Disisi lain, kita punya “ship girls” yang memukau. Seorang gadis imut muncul dari kejauhan, sembari berselancar, ia bermain dengan kapal-kapal lainnya. Ia telah menjadi idola bagi setiap orang sejak kemunculan pertamanya; Wanita pirang berambut panjang ini bernama Shimakaze. Kecepatan dan kelincahaan menjadi kekuatannya. Tidur siang dimanapun dan bermain menjadi kebiasaannya. Ia selalu ceria, apapun kondisi yang ada didepannya. Sekarang Keduanya gadis periang ini akan berhadapan satu sama lain, siapakah yang akan anda dukung ? 「大家好的说!」在世萌舞台上被叫到名字时橘万里花远远地如此喊道。万里花是个可爱又欢乐的女孩。过去她的性格可能有些与众不同,不过在与生命中某个特别的人相遇之后,她的行为习惯来了个几乎180度的转变。万里花在想方设法让所爱之人也为她倾倒方面总是非常机智。异于大部分女孩,她在表露情感上相当地勇敢,会毫不犹豫地坦白自己的心意。另一边,则是一位“舰娘”。只见远处出现了个可爱少女,一边滑行,一边与同伴嬉戏。她自从第一次出场就成为了大家的偶像,这个金长直就是岛风。速度与敏捷是她的强项。在任何喜欢或者玩耍的地方都能打个盹是她的习性。不论前路如何,岛风总是兴高采烈。现在这样两位开朗的女孩将要对决,你会支持谁呢? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Emerald 3 — Friday, September 23, 2016

Jibril (No Game No Life) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
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Today’s match are more interesting than before. In the left side, we have a beautiful and smart angel: Jibril. She is really curious about learning new things, even relishing about things that she does not know before. Even though she looks childish, she is considered as top class being that is able to knock down her enemies. The other unique part about her is her loyalty. Once she commits with someone, she will stay with that person. In the right side, we have a cute, blue-haired spirit: Yoshino. With her ability, it is easy to turn the whole arena into a freezing icescape. Even though she looks strong while fighting, normally, she is really adorable. Not only is she cute, but also her carefree attitude actually becomes one of her charming point in melting a voter’s heart. So, right now, place your vote to support your favorite one! |

Yatogami Tōka Vs Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
“What is this?” the black hair Yatogami Tōka asks. Tōka is curious about everything that she does not know before. She loves to wander around and have a taste of some food. She looks harmless and likes to play like a child, but when it comes to battle, she is a top class spirit that will slash down anyone who gets in her way. She is really considerate towards her friends and willing to sacrifice herself in order to save her dearest person. She is really straight with her feeling and will express everything that she feels. This personality is nothing like Aoyama Namami, who is a closed person when it comes to expressing her feeling. She places other’s happiness above hers. Ever since she moved to her new dorm, she helps with the house chores and taking care of her tenants. She is also a hard worker and the type of person who strives for her dreams. There is one similarity between Nanami and Tōka: they are caring and considerate towards others. Between these two beautiful girls, which one is your choice? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Emerald 4 — Monday, September 26, 2016

Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate Series) vs. Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi)
伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦(Fate系列) vs. 橘万里花(伪恋)
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Magical girl Illya is ready to fight. Illya is a cute school girl who had a normal life, but ever since a mystical stick landed in her bathroom, her life changed from normal to extraordinary. She is able to transform into a cute magician girl and fight with many mysterious monsters. She also meets new friends that are really important to her. Illya is nice and cares for all of her friends, even willing to sacrifice everything to save them. On the other side, Marika went through a similar situation like Illya. Marika changes the way she speaks and acts to be more feminine for the one whom she loves. She is a beautiful and cheerful woman and is straightforward with her feeling. She will not hesitate to express or even confess her feelings to the one she loves. Her funny actions and spirited personality never fails to amuse those around her. So, between these two caring girls, which one will you vote for? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 魔法少女伊莉雅已准备好去战斗。伊莉雅本是一名过着普通生活的可爱女生,不过自从某根神秘的魔杖降临于她的浴室,她的生活变得奇异非凡。她能够化身为魔法少女,并与众多不思议的魔物战斗。与此同时她也交到了对她而言很重要的朋友。伊莉雅对朋友们都很友好且关心,甚至愿意牺牲一切去拯救她最亲爱的朋友。另一边,万里花也有着类似的境况。为了她所爱的人,万里花从说话、行为方式上几乎改变了一切以变得更加有女性气质。她是一个美丽又欢乐的女孩,在自己的感情方面也颇为坦率,总是毫不犹豫的去表达或者向爱人告白。她有趣的行为与个性总会给我们带来欢笑。那么在这两位体贴的女孩中谁是你的菜呢? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Emerald 5 — Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs.
Yoshino (Date A Live)
丹生谷森夏(中二病也要谈恋爱) vs. 四糸乃(约会大作战)
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It is difficult to struggle for something you want. Having a chūnibyō experience is not easy. Sometimes, you really want to get rid of it, but, out of nowhere, whether you realize it or not, it can come up. The worst thing is when you meet someone who knows about your dark experience with chūnibyō. This is what Nibutani Shinka is: a school girl who wants to bury her past chūnibyō experience. But, it seems that her ideal life is not going as how she planned, as she joins a club that is practicing chūnibyō, even during school times. In the other side, we have a cute, blue haired spirit, Yoshino, who shies in front of other people, but hides her face with her hood. Yoshino wants to meet nice people, but everyone around her wants to get rid of her, so she freezes them and everything around her with ice. Even though she looks strong when she fights, she is really adorable, cute, and carefree once people start to know her more and become her friend. So, who is your favorite? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 有过一段中二经历并不是让人轻松的事。有时,你会打心底里想要摆脱它,不过,无论你是否能意识到,它无时无地都可能迸发出来。最糟糕的是你还会遇到某些知道你黑历史的人。这就是丹生谷森夏,一个想要埋藏自己那段中二经历的女生。然而进展却不如预期,因她在学校参加过甚至会专门练习中二的社团。另一边,是一个可爱的蓝发精灵,四糸乃。通过自己的能力,她可以轻易地使整个舞台都结成冰。尽管她在战斗时看起来很强硬,但在日常生活中她其实很讨人喜欢。不仅仅是她的可爱,她的无忧无虑也是她的足以融化投票者内心的萌点。还有,四糸乃在他人面前比较怕生,会用帽子遮住自己的脸。那么谁是你的最爱呢? |

Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.) vs.
Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru)
筒隐月子(变态王子与不笑猫) vs. 结城美柑(出包王女)
What does cute mean for you? Today’s match features two cute girls who will fight each other. The first cute girl is the emotionless Tsukiko. She is really cute and able to snatch your hearts away. Because she made a wish to a cat god, she lost the ability to express her emotions with her face. But, this situation made her realize she is in love with someone. She loves to eat stuffed buns and will not hesitate to take any necessary action to accomplish her goal. Even without expressing her emotions, she always tries to give some sign to her love one to notice her feeling. The other cute girl is an adorable little sister to everyone: Mikan. Mikan is really diligent. Having her parents works abroad made Mikan responsible for house chores, including waking up her brother in the morning. Besides her cuteness, she is a dependable person, not only in her family. but also for her friends. She cares a lot about her brother, but she keeps it deep inside her heart. Between these two cute girls, which one do you like? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对你来说“可爱”是什么呢?今天比赛的一大特色就是这场两位可爱女孩间的对决。第一位是“无表情”的筒隐月子。她很可爱,能够夺走你的心。自从向不笑猫许愿后,她便失去了面部表情。而她也是在此时第一次恋上某人。月子喜欢吃包子。她会毫不犹豫地采取任何必要的行动去达成自己的目标。即便失去了表情,她也一直在努力向所爱的人示意以让他注意自己的感情。另一位可爱的女孩是个惹人怜爱的“妹妹”——结城美柑。美柑很勤奋。因父母在国外所致,一切家务都成了她的义务,包括早晨叫哥哥起床。除了可爱这点外,她还是个可靠的人,而且不仅在家中这样,对待朋友们也是如此。其实美柑爱上了自己的哥哥,不过她还是将其深藏在心里。这两个女孩中,你喜欢哪一个? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Emerald 6 — Friday, September 30, 2016

Adlet Mayer (Rokka no Yūsha) vs Saitama (One Punch Man)
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In a battle between the self-proclaimed “Strongest Man” and quite possibly the strongest man alive, it could very well be a one-sided battle, but let's look at things from another perspective. On one side, if this were a battle of wits, Adlet would surely come out on top, for even the mighty Saitama might not be able to handle his conniving tactics. Adlet can overwhelm Saitama within seconds if Saitama were to underestimate his arsenal of hidden weapons and poisons hidden in all sorts of places. But, on the other hand, if it were purely a battle of power, Saitama just blows Adlet Mayer out of the water. With unparalleled strength in one single punch, there's simply no living thing, extraterrestrial or not, that can handle that singular punch without sustaining serious damage or perhaps even death. But, in the end, it comes down to a combination of both. Will Adlet's smarts be enough to overcome Saitama's overwhelming power or will Saitama just simply blast Adlet off the face of the earth? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara for contributing today’s matches and translations.