Featured Matches - ISML 2016 Ruby Period
Ruby 1 — Monday, October 3, 2016

Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs. Momo Belia Deviluke (To LOVE-Ru)
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Tomori Nao, a white wavy hair girl, appears on the stage. To save her fellow friends who have special powers became her priority since she has had a bad experience in the past. She is the student council president in her school, but her job as student council president might be different from others. She finds people with special powers and make them promise to not to use it anymore. Nao is beautiful, yet quite. She is timid in front of others, but cheerful girl in front of her friends. On the other side, we have a girl that holds the ambition to make someone special in her heart become king. The short pink hair Momo is ready to fight. As the youngest sister in the Deviluke family, she does most of the house chores and often helps prepare dinner for the entire house. She is able to communicate and summon various types of plants from her phone. Even though she seems naughty and likes to throw pranks on others, she is a kind and considerate towards other. She is willing to help when she is needed. |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru for contributing today’s matches.
Ruby 2 — Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) vs. Kōsaka Honoka (Love Live!)
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Today’s match is really interesting. These two famous school idols will fight each other in the arena. Although they work as a team to become the most popular idol group, today, they have to face each other for a chance to win a prestigious jewel. “Nico-Nico-Ni!” A familiar sound can be heard from the arena. The left side features Yazawa Nico, a high school girl who has a big ambition to become the universal number one idol. She trains really hard since she was young and tries hard to form an idol group. Her cuteness becomes one of her specialties in catching everyone’s heart. “Everyone, please vote for me,” she shouts before her match. On the other side is Kōsaka Honoka, who’s ambition to become a school idol was to save her school from shutting down. She is the most cheerful girl in her group and often gives support to any members that need her help. Honoka looks playful and carefree, but when the time comes, she is really responsible and able to handle everything. “I will make everyone’s dream comes true,” she tells the audience. So, between these two idols, which one would you pick? Honoka: We finally made it to the top, huh, Nico? Nico: Are you crazy?! We’re only at the top 64! We still need to make it to 32, 16, and maybe even win the whole competition! Honoka: Hmm, I guess that’s true. By the way, where is Maki? Nico: I think she’s fighting in another group. Honoka: Oh, it is getting a bit lonely with most of us eliminated. Nico: Yeah, I understand that. Honoka: And the fact we have to face each other this soon is also a bit sad. Nico: We’ve gotten here on our own merit, and I’m sure, at minimum, one of us going to head out to the top 32. Heck, I bet one of use is sure to win. Honoka: Hehe, I’m glad you’re my senpai. Nico: Oi oi. I don’t know how to feel about helping the leader of our group lead. Honoka: Hehe, sorry about that. Nico: Hehe, are you ready? Honoka: Yeah, best of luck to you. Nico: Please, you need it more than me. *The two friends walk onto the ISML Idol stage* |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and ~Baumkuchen-kun~ for contributing today’s matches.
Ruby 3 — Friday, October 7, 2016

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
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In the light of the sunset, Kosaki meets a slender blonde hair girl at the park. Kosaki: Hello. It’s quite rare to see you around here. What’s your name? Mashiro: Mashiro, Shina Mashiro. I’m here waiting for someone to pick me up. Kosaki: I see. I’m also waiting to meet my old friend so… Mashiro: Do you like him? Kosaki: (Blushes) What are you saying? Mashiro: I also know a boy who is kind and takes care of me. Every time I’m close with him, my heart beats fast, and I feel something strange that I can’t describe. Kosaki: (Knowing that it is love, but doesn’t want to say it clearly) Hmm... I guess you should keep close with him, and, when the time comes, you should listen to your heart and be brave. Mashiro: (Nods, with confusion) Kosaki: (speaking in her heart) Perhaps, I should listen to my own advice. Mashiro: What is your favorite color? Mine is white. Kosaki: Mine is white as well. Then, the two walked away while thinking about the last conversation. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 落日余晖中,小野寺小咲在公园中遇见了那个纤巧的金发少女。 小咲:你好呀,看来你是这边的稀客,请问你叫什么名字呢? 真白:真白,椎名真白。我在等人接我。 小咲:好吧。我是想遇见一个老朋友所以才…… 真白:你喜欢他吗? 小咲脸上泛起红晕:你在说什么? 真白:也有一个善良的很照顾我的男孩。每当靠近他时,我总会心跳加速,感觉到有一种不可名状的什么东西。 小咲明白了真白所说的正是“爱”但并不想直言:额……我认为你应该继续与他保持亲近,当你说的那些时刻来临时,就听从你的内心吧,勇敢些。 真白茫然地点点头。 小咲则在内心自语道:也许,我也应该如此啊。 真白:你最喜欢的颜色是什么?我的是白色。 小咲:我也是~ 之后两人一边回想着刚刚的对话,一边在附近漫步。 |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Ruby 4 — Monday, October 10, 2016

Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs. Kōsaka Honoka (Love Live!)
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs. 高坂穗乃果(Love Live!)
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Both Shino and Honoka are famous girls in their worlds. Shino is a legendary, beautiful sniper in the gaming world. While holding her trusted weapon, she makes sure no one escapes from her sight. Because of her sharp eyes, quick calculations, and overall prowess, she became famous in her world. Not only that, she is also considerate towards her friends and willing to help them. She is a loyal teammate and is able to maintain good teamwork. Even though she looks strong and dependable, she has her own fears and needs to depend on others. As for Honoka, she became famous since she became a school idol. At first, she did not expect to win over a prestigious school idol championship. Her motivation was just want to save her school. But now, her group became the number one idol group in her world. Honoka is a cheerful leader who transmits her energy to other members. Even though she loves to play around and does not appear serious, when the time comes, she is a responsible and dependable leader. So between these two adorable idols, which one is your favorite? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 朝田诗乃和高坂穗乃果在各自的世界中都是很出名的女孩。诗乃是枪战游戏世界GGO中的传奇美女狙击手。在她的黑卡蒂下,没有人能够逃脱。她有着犀利的眼睛又能深思熟虑。藉此技艺,诗乃在她的世界中闻名遐迩。不只如此,在生活中她对朋友们是个很体贴的人,乐于帮助他们。诗乃还是一名忠诚的队友,能够保持良好的团队协作。不过尽管她强大又可靠,却也有着自己的担忧,有时需要依靠他人。至于穗乃果,则是从成为学园偶像之后开始变得有名。最开始她并没期望能赢得享誉盛名的学园偶像冠军,她的动机只是拯救学园。但现在,她的团体成为了最棒的偶像团体。穗乃果是位活泼开朗的领导者,总是向其他成员传递能量。虽然她喜爱玩闹,看起来一点儿也不严肃,但在必要的时候,她就会变成那个非常负责任又可靠的领导者。那么在这两位可爱的偶像中,哪个是你的爱呢? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Ruby 5 — Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
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They are silent. They are observant. They will continue to watch until immediate action is necessary. Tomori Nao’s mission is to guide those who abuse or misuse their powers to her school where they would be safe from any harm. Rather than forcing them to her academy, Nao gives them time to understand what would happen if they continue to use their powers in such a way and has them come to the realization that something must be done about it. Nagato Yuki quietly observes, monitors, and analyzes her club members and things that happen around them. Behind the stoic expression lies a girl who is more than willing to jump into the fire and provide her two cents about the situation while defending those she cares about. When the silence is shattered, which girl will not lose her faith? |

Kanbara Akihito (Kyōkai no Kanata) vs.
Kyon (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
“You think my life seems normal? That’s sugar-coating what is really going on behind the scenes. Then again, if I can still go to my clubroom and chat about silly things, I’d be fine. There’s this one girl who I can’t seem to get my mind off. I felt something out of her, an aura of trials and burden much similar to what I am going through. I’m hoping that she will express her thoughts and concerns towards me.” "You’re lucky to even have such a nice girl. The person I am with has no trouble dragging me and everyone else around her to her mad schemes. A lot of times, I have to be the voice of reason; otherwise, everyone will follow along with her. I do not know what will happen when I’m with her, but I don’t mind this craziness, since it’s a lot more fun than a mundane life.” “It seems we both have our struggles to overcome. You seem like a nice guy, but I have to keep moving forward. No hard feelings, okay?” |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today’s matches.
Ruby 6 — Friday, October 14, 2016

Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs. Yazawa Nico (LoveLive!)
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs. 矢泽妮可(Love Live!)
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Here we come to another interesting match between two famous girls. First, we have the unbeatable, beautiful sniper, Asada Shino. Quick and calculative, Shino makes sure her bullets never miss and no one can escape from her shot. Ironically, she had a traumatic experience with guns since she was a child, but ever since she met someone from the online world, her courage slowly helped her fight against her past. Even though she looks strong, inside, she needs someone to depend on. Her strength and determination are some of her charming points. The other one is the famous school idol, Yazawa Nico. She is cute and has a big ambition to become the world’s number one idol. She trains hard every day and does a lot of research about past and upcoming school idols. A lot of unpleasant things happen to her in the past, but she never gives up. Finally, her dream came true when she joined µ’s. She looks egoistical and selfish, but she is kind and warm to others. Her cuteness is one of her charms to attract the audience’s heart. So, between these two famous girls, who is your choice? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 现在我们又迎来一场两位有名的女孩间的引人入胜的战斗。第一位是难以与其匹敌的美丽狙击手朝田诗乃。她非常迅捷,又有着极好的计算能力。诗乃的子弹从未落空,没人能从她的枪下逃掉。但实际上在小时候她因童年阴影而有着枪械恐惧症,不过在线上世界遇到了某人后,她的勇气得以萌发并消除了恐惧。尽管诗乃看起来很强劲,但心底里她还是需要有所依靠。另一位选手是知名校园偶像矢泽妮可。她很可爱,且有着成为世界头号偶像的庞大野心。妮可从过去就在刻苦训练,并就校园偶像做了大量的调查。纵然过去有着诸多的不快,她也没有放弃,终于在加入µ's后梦想成真。妮可看起来可能自私自利,但她其实是一个对他人热情友好的女孩。她的可爱足以成为俘获你心的魅力点。那么这两个女孩中,你选谁呢? |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.