Featured Matches - ISML 2016 Sapphire Period
Sapphire 1 — Monday, August 29, 2016

Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru) vs. Tobiichi Origami (Date A Live)
金色暗影(出包王女) vs. 鸢一折纸(约会大作战)
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With their no-nonsense attitude and established prowess in battle, many would assume that it would be impossible to break through their battle armor, much less capture the hearts of the two maidens. But, even the toughest body may not be the hardest. That is indeed the case for both Origami and Yami, who are actually more fragile than one might expect. Yami originally came as an assassin, ready to annihilate her target. But, when the target himself displayed compassion towards her, Yami could not help but soften her heart and put down her mission to stay on the target's planet to find out more about him. In Origami's case, however, even though she excels in both academics and sports, the ice queen has her own fetishes and weaknesses. Her attraction towards a certain male has led her to do acts in the name of love, actions one might be deemed rather obsessive. But, at the end of the day, no one should underestimate these two, as, with the right motivation, they are prepared to go all out on their opponents. Who would you support in that point in time? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 她们那绝不废话的态度,加上公认的高超的战斗技艺,很多人都会认为她们的装甲几乎无法突破,更何况俘获这样两位少女的心呢。不过,即便是看起来最坚硬的身体也可能并不那么坚硬,而这就是鸢一折纸和金色暗影的情形,她们实际上比想像中的要脆弱。小暗最初作为准备歼灭目标的杀手到来,但当目标本身开始向她展露怜悯之心后,小暗不自禁的软下心来,放下了她的任务并决定留在这个星球以求更多的了解她的目标。折纸的的情况则是,即使是冰雪女王般的折纸,那个在学业及运动方面都异常出众的折纸,也有着自己心仪的人,也有着自己的弱点。她对某个男性的倾慕,令她开始以爱的名义做一些事,一些被认为是只有着了魔的人才会做的行为。 但是,在这一天的尽头,没有人该低估有着最正当动机的这两人,她们已经准备好全力对敌。在那个时间点,你会支持谁呢? |

Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica) vs.
Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei)
晓美焰(魔法少女小圆) vs. 司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生)
Love is an emotion best communicated through actions. Nobody knows this better than Homura, who continually tries to save her friends from impending danger. No matter how many times she fails, no matter how many times she loses, no matter how many times she needs to pick herself up and restart, Homura is willing to do that and risk everything in order to guarantee her friend's future. The intensity of her love shines brightly through her perseverance and endurance. Yet sometimes, love kept quiet can be just as strong. Shiba Miyuki, despite her complicated and deep feelings for her older brother, maintains her dignity and lady-like honor. Even so, her burning love still shows through very obviously and passionately. Though she has never truly acted on those emotions, Miyuki treasures them in her heart and continues to be a prestigious honor student to make her brother proud. Her deeds do not give credit to the depth of emotion she holds inside. Blazing actions, unspoken flames, fueled by uncommon love. In the end, what's real is the true feeling behind it all. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 爱是最能通过行为来传达的一种情感。没有人比晓美焰更清楚这点,她为了将朋友从即将来临的危险中救出,用了无数次的尝试。无论经过多少次的失败,无论经过多少次的折戟,无论经过多少次的让自己振作并重新开始,她都愿意去做并冒一切风险只为了保证她朋友的未来。焰强烈的爱正透过她的坚韧与不屈灿烂地闪耀着。 而有些时候,被静静守护的爱也可以如此强大。司波深雪,尽管已被自己对哥哥那复杂又深切的感情填满内心,依然保持着自己的端庄及淑女的荣耀。即便如此,深雪炽热的爱意仍然在不经意间明显又热烈地显露出来。不过她并没有真正按这份感情来行动,她只是将其珍藏于心,并继续做一个享有盛誉的学生,为了使她的哥哥自豪。她的行为从未负于她深藏的那份感情的深度。 灼灼其华的行为,抑或沉默不语的火焰,其燃料都是不平凡的爱。最后,只有背后的真情才是真物。 |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, blaZofgold, and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Sapphire 2 — Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) vs.
Miyauchi Renge (Non Non Biyori)
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On a warm afternoon, Renge was wandering on a country road when she came across the girl wearing plate armor and a helmet. Renge: NyanPass! Eucliwood: …… Renge: Nyan!——Pass! Eucliwood: …… Renge: Is there something wrong? Can I help you non? Eucliwood takes her small notebook out and writes down these words:「Hello! I’m Eucliwood Hellscythe. Nice to meet you.」 Renge: Nice to meet you non! I’m Miyauchi Renge. And hmm, excuse me, but why don’t you speak non? Eucliwood writes: 「Actually, I’m a Necromancer.」 Renge: Wow, that’s extremely cool non! Eucliwood:「Words I speak out will influence people around me and even hurt them. Therefore, I write.」 Renge: You're so kind and considerate non! Oh wait, a Necromancer won’t visit the countryside, right non? I’m certainly not living in the countryside! I know that non! Eucliwood: …… |
Thanks to Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Sapphire 3 — Friday, September 2, 2016

Ōma Shū (Guilty Crown) vs. Emiya Shirō (Fate Series)
樱满集(罪恶王冠) vs. 卫宫士郎(Fate系列)
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These young boys have a strong sense of justice: what is right and wrong. In their tender age, they had fought the harshness of the world just to show the world the true meaning of justice. In the beginning, Ōma Shū was just a normal student in a normal high school. However, everything changed when he met a girl who opened his eyes about the true shape of the world and his fate to lead it to the right path. There were many lessons he learned as he ventured this path: how to fight for your life, how to survive, and how to love others. When he was little, Emiya Shirō dreamed to be a hero of justice. Inspired by his father, young Shirō had committed to be a hero to everyone in this world, especially for those who are hurt and suffered. To do so, he needs to get stronger, so he practices and studies magic, much like his father. These boys have the future in their hands, and they want the people in this world to see that. By winning this battle, they are ¬one step closer to their goal: to create a peaceful world for everyone. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Para pria ini punya rasa keadilan yang tinggi: apa yang benar dan apa yang salah. Di usia muda mereka telah mampu melawan kejamnya dunia hanya untuk menunjukkan pada mereka apa arti sebenarnya dari keadilan. Awalnya Ōma Shū hanya lah seorang pelajar biasa dari SMA biasa, anmun semua menjadi berbeda ketika dia bertemu dengan seorang gadis yang membuka matanya tentang bentuk asli dari dunia ini dan takdirnya untuk menunjukkan jalan yang benar. Banyak pelajaran yang dia dapat untuk dapat menjadi seorang yang tangguh: bagaimana berjuang demi hidupmu, bagaimana untuk bertahan hidup dan tentu saja bagaimana untuk mencintai orang lain.Menjadi pembela kebenaran adalah mimpi dari Emiya Shirō sejak kecil. Terinspirasi oleh ayahnya, Shirō muda telah berkomitmen untuk menjadi pahlawan bagi semua orang di dunia, terutama bagi mereka yang terluka dan menderita. Dia harus menjadi lebih dan lebih kuat, maka dari itu dia banyak berlatih dan belajar terutama di bidang ayahnya; dunia sihir. Mereka punya masa depan yang terletak di tangan mereka dan ingin memperlihatkannya pada orang-orang di dunia. Dan dengan memenangkan pertarungan ini, mereka selangkah lebih dekat dengan tujuan mereka: untuk menciptakan dunia yang damai bagi semua orang. 这些少年们都有着强烈的正义感:什么是对以及什么是错。在年幼时,他们就已向这严酷的世界宣战,只为展现正义的真谛。 最初,樱满集不过是一所普通中学的普通学生,但当他遇见了那个使他见识到世界的真貌并明确了他要使世界走向正轨的宿命的女孩后,一切都变得迥然不同。在成为一个坚韧的人的路上集学到了很多经验:如何为生命而战,如何生存下来,当然,还有如何去爱别人。成为正义伙伴是卫宫士郎从很小就有的梦想。受着他父亲的激励,年少的士郎决心成为这个世界上每个人的英雄,尤其是那些受苦受难之人。士郎需要变得越来越强,所以他正努力练习并更多地去学习,特别是在父亲的领域,魔术的世界。 二人的双手正掌握着未来,他们希望世人有朝一日能够得见。而赢下这场战斗,便会使他们进一步接近自己的目标:创造一个和平的世界。 |

Index L. Prohibitorum (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Akaza Akari (Yura Yuri)
茵蒂克丝(魔法禁书目录) vs. 赤座灯里(摇曳百合)
One day in a certain shrine. Akari: *praying* I hope I'm more visible to people around me. Index: What kind of prayer is that? Akari: Whoa..! Don't startle me like that! Eh, a nun? Index: Is this the place to pray? Akari: Yes, people here usually use this place to pray to God. Index: Hoho... I got it. There are a lot of places like this for different beliefs. Akari: I don't really know what a nun is doing here, but if you got any questions, please ask me. Index: Then, why did you pray for something like that? Akari: It's a bit complicated, but, somehow, I can lose my existence. People were ignoring me, and conversations were going like I'm not there. It's frustrating! Index: Hmm... I can see that. This is the sign that you must change the way you live. You must fight for your existence or further... or you will completely disappear. Akari: Gyahh... That's scary! Index: That's a joke. Akari: Don't make a scary joke like that, Miss Nun! Index: For the first step, try to make a funny joke in conversation, but, not a bad one. Akari: Akari will try her best! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Suatu hari di sebuah kuil. Akari: *berdoa* Aku harap aku dapat lebih terlihat oleh orang-orang disekitarku. Index: Doa macam apa itu? Akari: Whoa..! Jangan mengangetkanku seperti itu! Eh, seorang suster? Index: Apakah ini tempat untuk berdoa? Akari: Ya, orang-orang biasanya datang ke sini untuk berdoa kepada Tuhan. Index: Hoho... Aku mengerti. Ada banyak tempat seperti ini dari kepercayaan lainya. Akari: Aku tidak tahu pasti apa yang suster lakukan di tempat sepertio ini, tapi jika ada pertanyaan ajukan saja kepadaku. Index: Baiklah, kenapa kamu berdoa seperti itu? Akari: Ini sedikit rumit, namun entah bagaimana aku seperti kehilangan keberadaan. Orang-orang menghiraukanku dan percakapan berjalan seperti tidak ada aku disana. Ini semua membuatku frustasi! Index: Hmm... Aku paham, gadis kecil. Ini pertanda bahwa kamu harus mengubah jalan hidupmu, kamu harus berjuang untuk keberadaanmu sendiri atau lebih jauh... kamu akan kehilangannya sama sekali. Akari: Gyahh... Mengerikan! Index: Bercanda. Akari: Jangan membuat candaan mengerikan seperti itu, Nona Suster! Index: Untuk langkah pertama, coba buat candaan lucu saat di percakapan. Tapi jangan yang aneh-aneh, ya! Akari: Akari akan berusaha sebaik mungkin! 一天,在某个神社中。 灯里(祈祷着):「希望我在周围人中的可见性高一些。」 茵蒂克丝:那是什么个祷告? 灯里:哇……!别那样吓我!额,一个修女? 茵蒂克丝:这里就是祷告的地方吗? 灯里:对啊,人们通常都会来这里向神祈祷。 茵蒂克丝:吼吼……了解。各种不同的信仰都有类似的地方呢。 灯里:灯里实在想不通修女在这儿干嘛,不过如果你有什么问题的话可以跟我讲。 茵蒂克丝:那么,你为什么要祈祷那种东西呀? 灯里:这有点复杂诶,但不知怎么地我总会失去存在感。大家会逐渐忽视我,然后对话还会如我不在一般正常进行下去。这太令人沮丧了…… 茵蒂克丝:呣……我明白了,小姑娘。这说明你必须改变一下自己的生存方式了,你得为了存在感以及更多的东西去努力争取……然后你就彻底消失了。 灯里:啊……好可怕! 茵蒂克丝:是个笑话了啦。 灯里:请别再讲这种可怕的笑话了,修女小姐。 茵蒂克丝:第一步就是在对话之中讲些搞笑的笑话。不过,别讲冷笑话。 灯里:灯里一定尽她最大努力! |

Mikazuki Yozora (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Kotegawa Yui (To LOVE-Ru)
In einem speziell dekorierten Aufenthaltsraum warten zwei Mädchen auf ihren Einsatz in einem Freundschaftsspiel der ISML. Yozora: Es ist sehr aufmerksam vom Veranstalter uns ein Katzenzimmer zur Verfügung zu stellen. Yui: Ja, das freut mich auch. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass es hier so einen Raum gibt. Vielleicht sollte ich hier öfters erscheinen. Yozora: Hm, wir haben uns glaube ich schon mal getroffen, Ko... Kokegawa. Yui: Kotegawa! Es heißt Kotegawa! Es muss wohl vor drei Jahren gewesen sein, in der Nova Division. Yozora: Oh, Entschuldigung. Ja, jetzt erinnere ich mich wieder. Du warst doch auch in einem Moralkomitee aktiv. Yui: Das Komitee für öffentliche Moral engagiert sich gegen unzüchtiges Verhalten von Schülern und vor allem vom Schuldirektor. Yozora: Der Schuldirektor ist bei uns kein großes Problem. Dafür gibt es einzelne schamlose Mitschülerinnen. Yui: Schamlos? Yozora: Schamlos! Yui: Hm... Ich lese in Deinem Profil gerade von einem Nachbarschaftsklub. Was macht der denn? Yozora: Der Nachbarschaftsklub hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht einzelnen Schülern bei der Schließung von neuen Freundschaften zu helfen. Yui: Freundschaften schließen... Yozora: Mir scheint Du denkst gerade an eine ganz bestimmte Person. Yui: He? Wie... wie kommst Du darauf? So einen schamlosen Gedanken habe ich nicht. Yozora: Wer weiß. |
Thanks to BugH, Lulu, & Shmion84 for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Sapphire 4 — Monday, September 5, 2016

Natsu Dragneel (FAIRY TAIL) vs. Gilgamesh (Fate Series)
纳兹·多拉格尼尔(妖精的尾巴) vs. 吉尔伽美什(Fate系列)
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The ultimate battle between friendship and self-desire is here: Natsu Dragneel vs. Gilgamesh. From their beliefs to their desires, one can truly see just how much of a difference these two have against each other. For Natsu, what drives him to achieve his fullest potential is his friends, namely, the guild members of Fairy Tail. If any of them were to require immediate assistance, you can be sure that Natsu will be one of the first to come rushing down, eager to take up the request. Whereas for Gilgamesh, what drives him are his ego and his desire to obtain treasure. With his tyrant-like nature, he labels the world as his plaything and will eliminate any that dare stand in the way of the ultimate ruler, or so he proclaims, whether friend or foe. With such a fearsome battle incoming, whom would you give your support to? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Pertarungan sengit antara pertemanan dan keinginan pribadi ada disini dan kita punya kontestannya, Natsu Dragneel dan Gilgamesh. Dari apa yang mereka percayai sampai keinginan, satu yang benar-benar mampu melihat perbedaan dari kedua hal ini yang bertentangan satu dengan yang lain. Bagi Natsu, apa yang menggerakkan dia kepada potensi maksimalnya adalah temannya, yaitu member dari Fairy tail, jika ada yang membutuhkan, pastilah Natsu akan menjadi yang pertama turun untuk membantu. Disisi lain, Gilgamesh, apa yang menggerakan dia adalah keinginan unuk memperoleh harta karun juga Ego diri sendiri. Dengan sifatnya yang sewenang-wenang, ia menganggap dunia sebagai mainannya dan akan menyingkirkan apa yang menghalangi jalan sang pemimpin agung, itulah yang ia akui, entah itu teman atau lawan. Dengan pertempuran sengit yang mendekat ini, siapakah yang anda dukung ? 这里是友谊与自身欲望的终极之战,而这两种的翘楚,我们最后的选手,分别是纳兹·多拉格尼尔和吉尔伽美什。个人信条与自身欲望,我们能够真切地看到这两人之间有多么大的差异。纳兹,驱使他全力发挥出潜能的是他的朋友们,也就是,妖精尾巴的公会成员。如果其中的任何一个需要即刻的帮助,那么你都可以确切地发现纳兹会是首先冲过去,并热切地接受请求的一个。而吉尔伽美什,其欲望的动力则是想获得种种财宝,以及他的自负。暴君般的本性所致,他会把世界称作是自己的玩物,意欲消灭所有胆敢妨碍他这个终极统治者的人,所以他会宣告,是他的朋友还是敌人。 如此触目惊心的战斗即将到来,你会支持谁呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, itsukayuzuru, & Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Sapphire 5 — Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hestia (DanMachi) vs. Isla (Plastic Hearts)
赫斯缇雅(在地下城寻求邂逅是否搞错了什么) vs. 艾拉(可塑性记忆)
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In the name of love, these two have done so much towards their loved ones. In the name of love, they have dedicated much of their limited lives to making that significant one happy. But for what reason, they simply have no idea, for it was not long ago that the idea of love was simply a foreign subject to them. It just suddenly sparked within their hearts of steel, and it was smooth sailing from then on. To them, the love towards their current masters are what empowers them, for their masters have shown them what it means to be kind towards others, to display courage when facing anything sorrowful, and to smile for as long as they live. But the similarities stop there, for their differences are the ones that make them really themselves. It is from here now that we have to make a vote as to whom we save: the endowed android or the cute robot? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Atas nama Cinta, keduanya telah melakukan banyak hal kepada yang mereka cintai. Atas nama cinta, Mereka telah mendedikasikan banyak waktu hidupnya untuk membuat kebahagian yang significant kepada yang di cintainya. Tetapi untuk beberapa alasan mereka sebenarnya tidak tahu, oleh karena cinta hanyalah sesuatu yang asing bagi mereka. Hanya saja tiba-tiba menyala pada hati besi mereka dan berlayar lembut terus menerus. Bagi mereka, cinta kepada tuannya adalah sesuatu yang memampukan mereka kepada tuannya untuk menunjukan kepada mereka apa artinya berlaku baik kepada orang lain; untuk menunjukan semangat ketika menghadapi kesulitan dan tersenyum selama mereka hidup. Tetapi kemiripan mereka berhenti disini, perbedaan mereka lah yang membuat mereka menjadi benar-benar dirinya sendiri. Saat ini kita harus membuat suatu pilihan siapakah yang akan kita selamatkan, Android yang terberkati atau Giftia yang Imut ? 以爱之名,她们二人为所爱之人已做了那么多;以爱之名,她们连自己受限的生命也奉献出只为使那个重要的人幸福。至于理由,她们也不知道,因为就在不久前,爱还是一个陌生的字眼。只是在她们那钢铁般的心中突然出了个小火花,之后一切便都水到渠成。对她们而言,对现在主人的爱正是在他们展现了与人为善的意义、面对任何悲愁之事的勇气以及只要活着就要微笑后赋予她们的权力。 相似之处到此为止了,因为不同之处才使她们最终成为自己。从现在开始,我们将不得不进行投票决定要拯救谁,是天赋的拥有人类形貌的女神赫斯缇雅,抑或是有着“Giftia”之称的可爱机器人艾拉? |

Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生) vs. 四糸乃(约会大作战)
The battles in ISML are getting more and more interesting. As the participants appear, the temperature drop drastically. The arena gradually freezes, yet the two contestants still fight each other. The first contestant is a beautiful lady with freezing power, Shiba Miyuki. She is able to turn the whole arena into an iceberg during a magical tournament. With her straight, black hair and tempting eyes, she is ready to fight. She has a precious person that she cherishes: her big brother. As for the other side, Yoshino, a cute little spirit with wavy hair, comes up. While holding a tiny puppet in her hand, she stares at her opponent. Suddenly, the puppet changes into a big, powerful monster with the breath of ice. Yoshino also has a person that she wants to protect: her first best friend. They don’t want to disappoint the person whom they have worked hard for them, so they will fight each other to show their abilities. Who do you vote for? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Pertandingan ISML semakin menarik. Ketika peserta tampil, suhu pun turun drastis. Arena menjadi beku, namun kedua kontestan ini masih akan bertarung satu sama lain. Peserta pertama, adalah wanita cantik dengan kekuatan pembeku, Shiba Miyuki. Ia mampu mengubah arena menjadi bongkahan es ketika di turnamen sihir tempo lalu. Dengan rambut hitam panjang dan mata yang memukau ia siap untuk bertarung. Ia memiliki orang penting yang ingin ia banggakan, kakaknya. Di sisi lain, roh kecil nan imut pun muncul, wanita dengan rambut berombak Yoshino. Sambil memegang, boneka ditangannya, ia menatap ke arah musuhnya. Tiba-tiba boneka itu berubah menjadi monster besar dan kuat dengan nafas es.Yoshino juga memiliki orang yang ia kasihi, teman pertamanya, shido. Mereka tidak ingin mengecewakan orang yang telah bekerja keras untuk mereka, jadi mereka akan bertarung untuk memperlihatkan kemampuan mereka. Siapa yang anda pilih ? 世萌比赛正变得越来越有趣。随着这两位选手的出现,温度骤降。舞台开始结冰,但两人依然会去战斗。第一位参赛选手是有着冰冻能力的美女,司波深雪。她把整个舞台都变为冰川,随后又回到了比赛之中。有着黑色直发及诱人眼眸的她已准备好大战一场。深雪有着想要去珍惜的人,她的哥哥。而另一边,出现了一个可爱的小精灵,波浪卷发的四糸乃。她怀抱着一个手偶盯着她的对手,突然间,手偶变成了强大的冰息之怪。四糸乃同样有着想要珍惜的人,她的第一个好朋友。 不想让为她们而努力的人失望,她们将各显神通去击败对手。你会投谁一票呢? |

Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san) vs.
Saginomiya Isumi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
克图格亚(潜行吧!奈亚子) vs. 鹭之宫伊澄(旋风管家)
To Matsuki Miyu, thank you. It has been almost a year since her abrupt passing, and it still pains us that she is not with us. She has played many roles in her time, including these notable two. Cthugha is a passionate alien who shines through her energetic personality and desire to obtain what she wants whenever she wants it, an interpretive analogy between her and the creature she is based on. Isumi is a humble character that has back-and-forth interactions with ghosts and spirits. Isumi possesses a calm demeanor that even gives her the upper hand when it comes to wit. They both have the same voice actress, but they are far from their own personalities of dedication and humbleness. It is up for you, the voter, to decide what voice and character has caught your eye the most from Miyu. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 向松来未祐致以真诚的谢意,感谢她。自她的突然离世已接近一年,直到现在这对我们来说依然是一种痛苦。她曾演役了很多的角色,今天这重要的两位也在其中。藉由克图格亚,她诠释出了一个通过自己充满活力的个性及其作为火魔本身的呈现而光芒四射的痴迷的外星人形象。另一方面,伊澄则是一个谦卑却反反复复与幽魂鬼怪有着交互的角色。伊澄具有文静的气质,这使得即使需要动用才智时她也会占得上风。她们有着同一个声优,却在各自的那或乐于奉献或为人谦逊的个性上有着很大的不同。现在选择权在你这个投票者的手中,决定一下哪个声音或者说哪个角色吸引了你更多的关注吧! |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, ~Baumkuchen-kun~, itsukayuzuru, and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.
Sapphire 6 — Friday, September 9, 2016

Kasugano Sora (Yosuga no Sora) vs. Doma Umaru (Himōto! Umaru-chan)
春日野穹(缘之空) vs. 土间埋(干物妹小埋)
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Two legendary imoutos are up on stage now. The first one is cute and adorable little sister, Kasugano Sora. She has a straight white hair with a white one piece. She barely goes out from her house due to certain circumstances and has made few friends. Luckily, some of her brother’s friends come to visit, and, as the time goes by, she became friends with them and goes back to school. She cares about her new friends, but she loves her big brother more than anyone else. In contrast, the second participant, Doma Umaru, always maintains her perfect little sister image in front of anyone she sees outside her house, a specialty of hers. But, when she is alone with her brother, her personality can change 180° - from an adorable, perfect sister to a lazy, short-tempered sister. Both of her personalities are unique and have their own charms. The Umaru one sees outside will leave one feeling as the most blessed brother ever, but it is the Umaru one sees inside that may give one a lively day. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 两位非常著名的“妹妹”登上了舞台。首先是可爱惹人怜的妹妹春日野穹。她有一头奶白色的长发,身穿白色的连衣裙。穹妹总是深居简出,这使她的朋友越来越少。所幸的是,她哥哥的朋友们常来拜访,久而久之,她也和他们成为了朋友,并回到了学校。与穹妹对阵的参赛者是在外总能保持女神形象的小埋。在人前做个完美的妹妹是她的特长,然而,当与哥哥独处时,她的个性则会来个180度大转变,从可爱完美变得懒惰任性。两种性格都很独特也都有着各自的魅力,表•小埋会给你作为最幸运哥哥的极致自豪体验,但小版的小埋才会带来充满乐趣的一天。 |

Saber (Fate Series) vs. Rory Mercury (GATE)
Saber(Fate系列) vs. 萝莉•麦丘利(GATE 奇幻自卫队)
Whether it be for a noble cause like Saber's or for personal reasons like Rory's, no one can deny that these two are extremely dedicated in protecting their masters up till the very end, using their very lives as a shield if needed. For Saber's case, whether it is due to her noble history or her personality in general, there's no denying that she treasures the life of her master more that hers. She considers herself as nothing more but a servant to cater to her master's needs and desires. Whereas for Rory, her attraction to a certain JSDF soldier has led her to follow that same guy around, protecting him from any harm. She relishes the blood she spills throughout their journey with pleasure. With such fierce dedication, it now boils down to which girl is better at her job... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 无论是因为如Saber的崇高目的还是如萝莉的个人因素,谁都无法否认她们二人为了保护主人直到最后的极致的献身精神,如果有必要,她们甚至会拿自己的生命当作护盾。Saber的情形为,不管是由于她高贵的经历或是单纯就人格而言,她只把自己当作一位满足主人需求与心愿的仆人而更加珍视主人的生命这点都是不争的事实。而萝莉,对某个自卫队士兵的爱慕让她追随着他、保护着他,在这旅途上即便自己为其流了血,她也从中感到欣慰。 如此丧心病狂的奉献,现在都归于一点:哪个女孩更加称职呢? |

Tina Sprout (Black Bullet) vs. Sasamiya Saya (Gakusen Toshi Asterisk)
缇娜•斯普朗特(漆黑的子弹) vs. 沙沙宫纱夜(学战都市Asterisk)
Size certainly doesn't matter for these smaller-built girls, for they possess some big guns that they aren't afraid to show- literally. With their names famous all around, it's not hard to see just why these two are feared for the prowess in guns. With Tina, a top-tier sniper, her extremely great eyesight has been a true blessing to her. It has given her incredible skills in the sniping industry, earned her a name amongst the others, and helped her attain high ranks all around. But, while Tina was showered with achievements, it wasn't until she found someone who truly appreciated who she was that she felt truly happy. Whereas for Saya, who has access to guns from a famous gun engineer, in order to prove the naysayers wrong about her father's eccentric ideas, she decides to test the guns made by her father herself. With their massive firepower and Saya's mastery in handling them, her guns have given her many wins under her belt in tournaments. With this next battle between two gunwomen, who will outgun the other pro? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 体格的大小对这些生来娇小的女孩来说并不重要,因为她们都拥有着一些大枪大炮而且不畏于展示出来(你没看错,确实如此)。二人名扬各地,缇娜是一位顶级排位的狙击手,纱夜使用着一位著名枪炮师制作的数把枪。不难看出她们为何都受着敬畏,因为高超的枪炮技艺。缇娜那极棒的视力是她受到的最大恩赐,这给了她近乎疯狂的狙击技能,使她变得大名鼎鼎,并且一直有着较高的排位。不过,尽管她已种种荣誉加身,直到遇见了那个她真心感激的人,她才感觉到了真正的快乐。而纱夜,为了向反对者们证明父亲的古怪想法并非错误,她开始亲自测试父亲制造的那些枪炮。对它们的巨大火力有了足够的接触,再加上她对枪械操作的精通,纱夜数次将胜利收入囊中。 在接下来这场专家级的“枪枪对决”中,谁能够胜出呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, itsukayuzuru, and Lulu for contributing today’s matches and translations.