Name: Hoto Kokoa
Title Series:Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?
Voiced by:Sakura Ayane

Career ISML Performance

Moe Tournament Résumé
2014: Anime Saimoe Tournament - Round of 64
2014: Best Girl Contest - Round of 512
2014: Senpuu Saimoe Tournament - Round of 288
2014: The Great Awwnime Bracket - Round of 256
2015: Baidu Anime Saimoe Tournament - Round of 64
2016: AnimeGirl Saimoe Tournament - Round of 64
2016: Hongkong Golden Saimoe - Round of 16
2016: The Great Awwnime Bracket - Round of 32
2016: Yamibo Yuri Saimoe - Round of 96

Past Notable Matches